Theodore stratilates icon with life. Saints Theodore Stratilat and Theodore Tyrone

Description of the basic and expanded set of human chakras. The relationship of disease with them, table.

Everything around us is energy. And we ourselves are woven from it. Therefore, the world is in a state of energy exchange every second.

It is believed that a person has more than 80,000 chakras. Those who are interested in esotericism really know about seven.

It so happened that this science attracted a lot of false teachers who confuse people by robbing them energetically. Then the latter do not go well, dreams do not come true, life as a whole passes without positive changes.

Let’s talk without diving into the depths of esotericism on the subject of human chakras, their number, meanings.

What is a person’s chakras: concept

   human chakra icons and their color

Chakra in Sanskrit is a wheel. This is a neuro-energetic node located in a specific place in the body or outside it to generate energy.

Man has a central channel. And all the chakras are located in the center of the body. That is, not on the spine, and not on the skin.

Most chakras are paired. They radiate, that is, turn on together, for example, Sahasrara with Swadhisthana, Ajna with Muladhara, bones, knees and feet.

When you do something on the upper chakras in the process of meditation, you go to the lower chakras and vice versa. Since the upper part of the human body represents consciousness, and the lower - the subconscious, it turns out that your desires / thoughts are the same there and there.

The main human chakras for beginners: location on the human body, meaning, color, for which they are responsible

  picture with the inscription "where are the human chakras?"

Various schools of yoga and esoteric knowledge are united in that a person has 7 main chakras. Differences are in the accuracy of the location of some of them.

Consider an interpretation that subjectively corresponds to reality.

  • Sahasrara is located on the top of the head. Responsible for ideas.
  • Ajna is in the center of the forehead. Responsible for volitional potential.
  • Vishuddha is a point in the middle of the neck. Throat center, responsible for communication.
  • Anahata is the center of the chest. Responsible for the love of people.
  • Manipura is located 2-3 fingers below the navel. Responsible for birth plans, relatives.
  • Svadhisthana is located in the center of the pubis. Sexy Chakra.
  • Muladhara is the point on the tailbone. Responsible for survival, physical strength, leg strength.

In the figure below, a listing of the main human chakras with their color designation and description.

table describing the location of the human chakras, their colors

All 40 human chakras: location on the human body, meaning, for which they are responsible

  a diagram of the human body and head with an indication of the location of more than 30 chakras

In fact, the number of chakras in a person exceeds 40. However, different schools and approaches give slightly different knowledge in this matter. Some focus on the upper chakras, others partially complement the well-known seven.

More information about the chakras with their names and descriptions below.

  • Zarga Chakra.
      Located at the top and bottom of the body - 4 fingers above the head, just below the middle of the hips.
      The dead go up, and the living go down through this point.
  • Chakra settings on stones, other planets, asteroids. It is double, has a similar point on the legs.
  • Chakra connects to mushrooms, mosses, lichens, their spores. Double chakra, the second is located on the feet.
  • Chakra connecting to the insect world. It is reflected on the legs.
  • Dinchel Chakra is also reflected in the middle of the hips.
      Located a finger above Brahmolai.
      She turns on through attuning with Mercury, dinosaurs, reptiles. It is responsible for the resonant work of both hemispheres of the brain at the solar-galactic frequency.
  • Chakra for connecting to migratory birds.
  • Brahmola.
      Located 4 fingers above the Sahasrara.
      When this chakra is very developed, the structure of the human skull changes. He forms a lump, a bone growth. A number of nationalities recognize a person with a similar feature on his head "holy."
  • Sahasrara, or the thousand-petalled lotus.
      Her place on the crown of the head.
      It is activated by concentration on Brahmolai or after the complete lowering of the lower consciousness.
      He is responsible for the development of superknowledge, the ability to penetrate and get along in the cosmic worlds.
  • Protomonade.
      Located a finger below the previous chakra. This includes the soul. The chakra is tightly connected to the umbilical cord.
      Being able to tune in to its first-cell, return to the pure source of its origin, a person is able to correct the shortcomings of the past years, and also become a long-liver.
  • Tsarcha.
      The level of the edge of the forehead where the hair begins is the point of its location.
      Balances the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Responsible for social power, the will of the system.
      The esotericity of the chakra is that people who work with it consider themselves to be “lords of the world”.
  • Ajna.
      The position is the center of the forehead. It creates a personal strong-willed mental, which a person uses in ordinary life to realize his mission, to develop his karma.
  • Atrocious.
      Located between the eyebrows. Includes animal mode, combat potential of a person.
    It enhances the radiation of the Ajna center, as well as physical strength, if a person knows how to connect to the egregore of his individual totem animal, bacteria.
  • EBEZH.
      Located at eye level. This is the point of a person’s physical birth and death.
      Responsible for personal destiny, karma.
  • The middle of the nose is a connection to lizards, pterodactyls, dinosaurs, snakes, turtles.
      It is necessary for the treatment of diseases, for example, varicose veins.
  • The tip of the nose is a connection to the Neanderthal plan. It works especially brightly for drunken alcoholics.
  • Amba plan is a zone of jaws, a mouth.
      Controlled by a Neanderthal plan.
  • Karma Chakra.
      Its location is in the oral cavity between the tongue and the palate. Responsible for physiology, health.
      This point connects the mental with the astral.
  • Azhvira.
      Located in the middle of the upper neck. Connected with Venus. This includes viruses.
      Powerfully works in stressful situations. Responsible for acts of spontaneous unconscious thinking. Closely related to the auricles of a person, communication with people.
  • Vishuddha.
      Located in the center of the neck. Harmonizes the work of the astral and mental, if a person knows how to properly activate it.
  • Selma.
      The point is at the level of the clavicular notch, at the base of the neck.
      It feeds energy from the ancestors, if a person knows how to consciously turn it on.
  • Zverpra, or thymus, or animal anahata.
      It contains the human immunity, his love for animals, dead ancestors. Responsible for human health, vitality.
  • 2 chakras - one above the heart, the second - symmetrically to the right. Responsible for the love of the animal world.
  • Right astral heart.
  • Anahata is located in the center of the chest.
      Responsible for the love of people, a specific person, normal heart function.
      It is revealed with relaxation, acceptance of the right to life of all living beings.
  • Suryajiva.
      Located in the center of the solar plexus. This is the personal astral of a person, his egregor.
  • 2 chakras, one under the heart, the second symmetrically to the right - are responsible for the love of birds, the flying world.
  • Astrapura is the point between the solar plexus and the navel.
      Responsible for connecting to the ancestors.
  • Manipura is 2-3 fingers below the navel.
      He is responsible for communication with the clan, father and mother.
  • Svadhisthana - a point in the center of the pubis.
      This is the sexual center of man.
  • Muladhara is located at the coccyx.
      Responsible for survival, physical strength.
  • Linganha is located just above the middle of the thigh. The all-sex chakra of all mankind.
  • The mid-thigh chakra is the connection to the sexually active reptile energy.
  • The Ham Chakra is located at the knees.
    Responsible for volitional potential, resilience.
  • Rajimaya is at the level of the ankles.
      Responsible for an unidentified creative stream.
  • The chakra at the stop level is responsible for connecting to the core of the earth.

  location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 1

  location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 2

  location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 3

  location and names of human chakras in different schools, example 4

Chakras and Diseases: Table

  anatomical diagram of the human body with the designation of the chakras and areas of their influence on internal organs

Ideally, all chakras in a person should work harmoniously. However, in real life, almost every one of us has distortions and deviations.

Understanding the relationship with the internal organs and the area of \u200b\u200baction of the chakras, you can assume the causes of these or other diseases in yourself, close ones.

Below we add a table for clarity.

  two tables of the relationship of diseases with human chakras

The interaction of the chakras of man and woman

  scheme of interaction of man and woman at the level of their chakras

Most esotericists and sites with a similar theme claim that chakras in men and women work differently:

  • rotate in different directions
  • have more or less power
  • some only give energy, while others only accept

Thanks to this order of things, harmonious relations are formed between a man and a woman. So, the second feeds the first with sexual energy and heart, and the first second from the remaining chakras.

  • Note that chakras in the form of discs work with holy personalities. The rest - they are more like balls of different diameters.
  • The second point - ideally, in a person all the chakras should work without reference to gender.
  • Thirdly, when men and women join each other, all chakras should be triggered in the ideal case.
      At a minimum - sexy, warm and Ajna.
      Although there are pairs with a connection only one chakra. Then they will either be together for a short time, or they will take the path of development in pairs.

Physical sensation of chakras

  girl meditates on the shore of a pond to feel her chakras

To feel the chakras at the level of body physics, consider a number of initial parameters:

  • body ownership
  • recognition level of its signals
  • state of your health
  • muscle tone
  • body purity, in other words, the absence of toxins

By concentrating on a particular chakra you can feel:

  • pressure
  • cold
  • warmly
  • goosebumps
  • numbness
  • ripple
  • vibration

Frequent cases when a person feels his nerve nodes brighter or weaker.

Sometimes, instead of the location of a particular chakra, a person is pulled to the side either directly / backward, up / down. This indicates a bias in the movement of energies, the emergence of diseases in the future.

So, we met with the basic human chakras, their characteristics and areas of influence on the work of internal organs. We also briefly reviewed the extended list of chakras. The nuances of the interaction of nerve nodes in a pair between a man and a woman were determined. We got acquainted with the physical sensations of the chakras in the body.

Believe it all or not - you decide. Always use the logic and critical evaluation of information on esoteric knowledge. So you save your energy and calmness of loved ones.

Video: 40 human chakras - where are they located and how to work with them?

According to the spiritual practices of Hinduism, a person has 7 main chakras (padm) - energy nodes that are responsible for certain aspects of life. Each node has a different characteristic and meaning in human life. To understand how to open the chakras and look at your spiritual body from a different angle, you should study the description of each padma.


In order to exist and interact normally with the outside world, a person needs energy. Chakras are energy nodes located in the "subtle body" of a person (on a spiritual level). They provide the function of "transmitter-receiver" energy that comes to us from space.

In Sanskrit, the word "chakra" is translated as "wheel." This is because this ephemeral “organ” has the appearance of a kind of funnel. The plasma fields invisible to the eye constantly vibrate, converting the received energy and adapting it to the needs of a person. Each chakra has its own color and yantra (a special symbol consisting of a certain number of "petals").

There are many chakras on the human body, but there are 7 main energy centers. They interact with the physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the nodes is responsible for a certain aspect of life and the normal functioning of one of the organs or systems.

Important! The movement of energy occurs along the spine from the bottom up. If something prevents or blocks this course, a person may have health problems, discomfort, disturbance of spiritual balance, loss of strength and complete apathy.

In addition, if you do not notice the difficulty of energy flowing in time, a complete blockage may form, which leads to an absolute disconnection from universal energy (in other words, to physical death).

To clean the paths of energy movement and the chakras themselves, use affirmations - special self-hypnosis formulas. In addition, you can clean the chakras with the help of special spiritual practices, meditations and breathing exercises.

Note that not every person has all 7 chakras revealed. Each of them has its own level of consciousness, so the opening of each chakra occurs at different stages of life.

For example, when a person is just born, he still does not know how. Therefore, only the first chakra, which is responsible for the basic instincts - hunger, sleep, fear, perception, can open up to him.

Let's look at the full characteristics of all the chakras.

Sacred meaning

The sacred (spiritual) meaning of each chakra is distinct from each other. They are located from bottom to top - the first is the most “primitive”, and the seventh is “enlightened”.


It is the root chakra, has a rich red color. Located in the coccyx (between the genitals and the anus). It is responsible for the flow of energy into the body and corresponds to the basic human instincts - self-preservation, extension of the genus, nutrition. It determines the character and temperament, is formed from birth to 5 years.

Main characteristics:

  • element is earth;
  • main aspects - earthliness;
  • principles - physical strength and endurance, the ability to exist independently;
  • feeling is a sense of smell;
  • hormonal glands - adrenal glands and sex glands;
  • organs associated with the chakra - bone skeleton, spine, teeth and nails;
  • diseases - constipation, hemorrhoids, joint diseases, dermatological pathologies;
  • aromatic oils - patchouli, sandalwood, cedar;
  • energy - vitality;
  • the chakra is normal - psychological stability, self-confidence and their actions.


The second chakra is sacred or sexual. He is responsible for sexual energy, sensuality, attraction, magnetism. More often well developed in women than in men. This padma contributes to the spread of accumulated energy throughout the body. It helps a person to feel his own individuality, generate new ideas and bring everything conceived to life.

It is located in the pelvic area and ensures the establishment of contacts with the opposite sex. It plays a big role in finding a suitable partner and strengthening existing relationships. The color of the chakra is orange.

Main characteristics:

  • element - water;
  • main aspects - emotions, sex;
  • principles - procreation, creation;
  • feeling - taste and touch;
  • hormonal glands - ovaries, prostate, lymphatic system;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the endocrine system, gall bladder, all body fluids (blood, lymph, digestive juices);
  • diseases - allergies, constipation, lack of libido or hypersexuality, infertility;
  • aromatic oils - rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper;
  • energy is creation;
  • the chakra is normal - stable sexual relations, lack of fear of communication with the opposite sex.


The solar plexus chakra in Sanskrit means "diamond place". Located in the diaphragm between the sternum and the navel. It denotes the energy of the ego. Responsible for the formation of the worldview and the process of becoming an individual. Helps the transformation of accumulated information into positive energy and redistributes it throughout the body.

The spiritual mission of the chakra is to seek life's destiny and material self-realization. It helps to unleash the potential and find the type of activity that would bring the most pleasure.

Main characteristics:

  • element - fire;
  • main aspects - desire;
  • principles - personality formation;
  • feeling is sight;
  • hormonal glands - pancreas and adrenal glands;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the respiratory system, diaphragm, liver, spleen, gall bladder, sympathetic nervous system;
  • diseases - isolation, problems in the bile, diabetes, gastritis, obesity;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, bergamot, rosemary;
  • energy is an internal force;
  • the chakra is normal - well-established outlook on life, an accurate understanding of their own desires.


The Anahata heart chakra from Sanskrit is interpreted as “a drum playing forever”. It is located in the chest area parallel to the heart and is a kind of connection between the three lower (primitive) and three upper (elevated) chakras. Its disclosure and normal functioning allows you to fully express your own emotions, to be open and sensitive.

Another name for this chakra is considered to be "emotional" - it is it that forms all the feelings, feelings, mercy and sympathy. It is considered the center of faith and spiritual balance of a person. It has a calm green color and forms an emotional contour of a person.

Main characteristics:

  • element - air;
  • main aspects are love;
  • principles - devotion;
  • feeling is touch;
  • hormonal glands - thymus gland;
  • organs associated with the chakra - heart, lungs, immune system, skin, upper back;
  • diseases - diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia;
  • aromatic oils - pink, cedar, sandalwood;
  • energy is harmony;
  • the chakra is normal - love for oneself and others, kindness and mercy.


The fifth chakra is called the throat - located in the throat and stretches to the seventh vertebra. From a psychological point of view, it is called volitional, as it is responsible for the manifestation of one's own will, the formation of the inner core. Thanks to this chakra, a person gains the ability to listen to his own desires.

In addition, it allows self-identification as individuals - to separate their own energy from the energy of the "crowd" and put the "I" in priority. It has a blue color, is the center of creative implementation. The development of this chakra allows you to unleash the potential and realize the most unusual ideas.

Main characteristics:

  • element - ether (akasha);
  • main aspects - willpower and communication;
  • principles - strengthening life;
  • feeling is hearing;
  • hormonal glands - the thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • organs associated with the chakra - vocal cords, muscles;
  • diseases - headaches, pathologies of the vocal cords, inflammation of the auricles;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, patchouli;
  • energy is self-expression;
  • the chakra is normal - ease of communication, ease of choice of type of activity, the ability to formulate exact goals.


The sixth energy center in Sanskrit translates as "area of \u200b\u200bgovernment." The purple chakra is also called the “third eye” because of its location in the center of the forehead between the superciliary arches. This chakra is responsible for wisdom and memory, spiritual and personal growth, as well as the restoration of the normal robots of the autonomic system.

Some suggest that the developed “third eye” gives a person certain supernormal abilities - the ability to predict the future, communicate with spirits, and see the energy field of other people.

In the article "" you can learn a lot of useful information and learn how to train your memory yourself.

Main characteristics:

  • element - radium;
  • main aspects - extrasensory perception;
  • principles - awareness of the life path;
  • feeling is intuition;
  • hormonal glands - the pituitary gland;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the brain and nervous system;
  • diseases - pathologies of the nose and sinuses, headaches, nightmares,;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, geranium, mint;
  • energy - understanding and acceptance;
  • the chakra is normal - ease of communication, good understanding of other people, developed intuition.


The spiritual or, as it is also called, the crown chakra, is located in the Temech region. Her study is the most controversial, as some scientists endow her with almost unrealistic abilities. The seventh energy center allows you to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world and yourself, to eliminate all possible spiritual boundaries.

People with a developed seventh chakra are quite rare. All information coming from the outside world is perceived by a person in a positive context and is transformed into powerful energy flows. The Universe in this context acts as a powerful space that everyone can comprehend.

Main characteristics:

  • element - is absent;
  • main aspects - infinity and spirituality;
  • principles - purity of soul;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the brain;
  • diseases - mental and mental illness, a neurological disorder;
  • aromatic oils - jasmine, frankincense;
  • energy is thought.

Test "Which chakra is most developed?"

To determine the internal state and find out which chakra is most open, we recommend you to take an exciting test.

I love physical reality that can be really “touched,” “seen,” “heard,” than any spiritual, emotional, or intellectual realms of being.

I often compromise, I like risk and adventure.

Fooling around and acting eccentrically is fun and doesn't bother me.

It is very important for me to be able to play, have fun, physically move and be with people.

I prefer safe, stable work, which provides regular salaries.

I like to analyze and measure the environment.

I believe that the main purpose of my life is to fully experience all physical and sensual pleasures.

Having a permanent job and a family seems boring to me.

My life style is flowery and eccentricity.

I regularly need physical activity (exercise) or dancing.

I am an analyst, logician and I think consistently.

I am a quiet and reserved person, but independent and strong.

I believe that true spirituality is to serve people.

Test for determining the most developed chakra





  Play again!

How to open the chakras?

Deep work with the chakras is a complex and lengthy process. But first you need to open them so that energy can freely circulate through your physical body. For this, beginners use 8 simple tricks.

  1. Wardrobe. It is excellent to get hold of chakra-colored clothes in everyday life - it can be worn every day or used for special occasions. In addition, you can get a couple of things with images of yantras.
  2. Interior. It should decorate housing with objects that harmonized the energy system. To do this, you can use various mandalas, dream catchers, thematic tapestries and paintings.
  3. Jewelry. Natural stones will help stabilize the energy channels and open the chakras. Depending on which particular node needs opening, the crystal or gem that is responsible for it is selected.
  4. Images on the body. Most often they are applied using cosmetic henna - a pattern is selected for each chakra separately. As a rule, they draw signs characterizing a particular node.
  5. Food. Harmful and high-calorie foods “clog” not only the stomach, but also the mind. Therefore, for those who seek to purify themselves and open the chakras. It is better to refuse fast foods, fatty, fried and heavy foods. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables.

    Important! When opening the chakras, they most often follow a vegetarian diet.

  6. Smells. Constant stresses accumulate in the body and are reflected in the form of negative emotions. Aromatherapy helps to calm down and relax.

    In addition, the pleasant smells of essential oils will help create a special atmosphere in the house. In addition to pleasant smells, you can calm down in other ways. In the article "" you can find more information on this topic.

  7. Candles In esotericism there is a special concept - “chakra candle”. It is made in the color of the chakra, which should be activated and has a delicate aroma of the corresponding essential oil. In addition, the contemplation of fire has a beneficial effect on the energy center.
  8. Singing bowls. This is an ancient musical instrument in the form of a deep bowl, making a sound from the vibration of the walls due to the touch of a special wand. A pleasant and deep sound filled with overtones is able to introduce a person into a light trance and make him abandon all thoughts surrounding him.

What is a lock?

Blocking the chakras is usually manifested by energy imbalance and poor health. It is usually possible to understand that one or more chakras are not functioning properly by the following symptoms.

  1. There are health problems. A person's physical strength decreases, problems with weight and nutrition may begin. His general health is unsatisfactory.
  2. Constant difficulties with intimate life, a long search for a suitable partner. Inability to build a strong family or quarrels and conflicts with relatives.
  3. Self-doubt and their potential. Frequent thoughts about what does not work out to achieve the desired, compliance and suggestibility, lack of personal opinion. Feeling that in any difficult situation, "give up."
  4. Intolerance to oneself. Constant criticism of their own actions and decisions. Attempts to avoid a serious relationship, fear of romantic feelings. Emotional “inhibition” - the inability to express one’s feelings in full.
  5. Excessive shyness. It constantly seems that in the dialogue, make a semantic mistake, and you will begin to be ridiculed.
  6. The difficulty of choosing. The inability to make an adequate decision when you need to choose between personal interest and a sense of duty. A heightened sense of guilt, even when the decision of the situation depends on other people.
  7. Feeling of total loneliness.

Such factors have a detrimental effect on all spheres of human life. He already develops and worsens existing health problems, and negative thoughts and desires arise. Energy imbalance can be unsettling for a long time, which is then quite difficult to return to.

For each chakra, there are certain factors that can affect their blocking. Below is a list of all the blocking “catalysts” for 7 padm in order.

  1. Muladhara. This chakra is always blocked by fear. This may be a fear of physical strength, one's own emotions, feelings, fear of aggression of others and life in general. All other negative experiences (anger, phobias) are born precisely on the basis of fear. You should not drive your fears "inside" the consciousness - to solve the problem, they should be carefully studied and released.
  2. Svadhisthana. The second chakra blocks guilt. It is difficult for people with this type of blockage to exist in society - they will always find something to blame themselves and always, even in the case of minor troubles, engage in self-flagellation. To solve this problem, you should stop being a victim of your own thoughts and realize that not all the problems in this life were provoked by you.
  3. Manipura It is blocked due to feelings of shame and disappointment. From childhood, norms and rules are instilled in us, following which we do not feel shame. But if you “go too far” and reproach the child that he is doing everything wrong, at a conscious age, it will seem to a person that everything he does is wrong, and accordingly it’s shameful.
  4. Anahata. The chakra, responsible for love and mercy, block sorrow and resentment. Usually, while experiencing these emotions, a person is rather apathetic and does not want to work on himself. He is haunted by a depressive state, from which it is difficult to get out on his own. Therefore, to unlock the fourth chakra, it is better to turn to a professional psychologist who will help to understand emotions.
  5. Vishuddha. Foul language, condemnation and lies block the fifth chakra. These emotions and characteristics cool life poisoning - a person with a blocked fifth chakra experiences emptiness and loneliness. In order to clean and open it, you should ask for forgiveness from the object on which all the negativity has been “pinned”.
  6. Ajna. Soaring in the clouds can block this chakra. Ajna is responsible for and psychic abilities. Therefore, constant dreams, illusions and hyperbolization of one’s own skills interfere with its normal functioning. In order to establish her “work”, it is very important to accept yourself as you are.
  7. Sahasrara. The blocking of the “divine” chakra itself occurs as a result of excessive attachment to the material - a car, a house, clothes. Besides. Eternal dissatisfaction with oneself, as well as an attempt to try on a “foreign coat” on yourself may also hinder its disclosure. To restore this chakra, it is very important to understand that the most important thing in life is spirituality and calmness. Listen to your own biorhythms and eliminate all irritating factors.

Disturb the energy balance can completely different factors. For example, it can be a psychological trauma that happened in deep childhood. Or simply a lack of awareness in adulthood.

In any case, all these problems can be solved. It is never too late to clear the chakras from the negative and normalize the movement of energy.

How to clean the chakras?

Cleaning the chakras, as well as their preliminary opening, is necessary for the correct movement of energy flows. It so happens that negative thoughts, fears, unresolved problems “clog” the chakras and thereby “clog” a person’s consciousness.

First of all, unprepared people use special mantras (words or syllables in which a special sacred meaning is laid and which are focused on solving a particular problem). Mantras are repeated several dozen times out loud to relaxing music.

For each chakra there is a separate mantra, which has its own meaning.

  1. LAM is the mantra for the first chakra. Its meaning is “I am what I am. I’m sure they love me. ”
  2. MAM is the mantra for cleansing the second chakra. The meaning of the phrase is "I love and respect myself today, as on any other day."
  3. "RAM" - with the help of this phrase, they cleanse the third chakra. “I am the author of my reality and I like it” means she.
  4. “IAM” is a syllable that aims to cleanse the fourth chakra. Its meaning is “In me is love and full recognition of the environment”.
  5. “HAM” - the fifth chakra is cleaned with this mantra. The sacred meaning of this phrase is “I am the creator of my life. Any choice is always up to me. ”
  6. “OM” or “AUM” are the syllables by which the penultimate chakra is cleansed. “Seeing the truth does not hurt me” means these phrases.
  7. The revelation of the last seventh chakra takes place in silence. “I feel the present. I am in it ”- with such a phrase a person mentally programs himself. In addition, in order to get rid of "garbage", use a variety of.


The normal functioning of all chakras can be judged by the state of human health, as well as its overall well-being. When all the padmas are open and not blocked, the following changes take place in life.

  1. There is a feeling of stability and stability. Man is “grounded” - he feels all the vital needs of the physical body and can satisfy them, he has enough vitality and good health.
  2. There comes the acceptance of one's sexuality. At this moment, a person begins to understand all his desires, accepts feelings and can fully enjoy all the joys of life.
  3. With the opening and cleansing of the chakras comes awareness of the mission of life. There is confidence in oneself and one's own actions, an understanding of all the tasks necessary for a normal life. The fear recedes and the protective barrier forms.
  4. A feeling of complete peace is formed, there are no more negative thoughts, fears and complexes.
  5. There is a desire to share your thoughts and feelings with the world, and this is easily done. There are no more problems with the expression of feelings, others perfectly understand all your fears and desires.
  6. Intuition develops, you can accurately predict what will be good and what is bad. In addition, understanding and "reading" of the characters of others is strengthened, which greatly simplifies life.
  7. As the apogee of normalizing the work of the chakras, one feels unity with the Universe and awareness of one's own spirituality. This highest degree of self-knowledge opens up a new world for a person - full of wisdom and sacred meaning.

There are theories that claim that any physiological changes in the body occur due to a violation at the energy level. For example, negative thoughts can lead to the accumulation of negative emotions, as well as the deterioration of the performance of the chakras. In some cases, there may be a complete blockage, the result of which is the disease.

What are chakras?

Chakras are information and energy centers. In a healthy person, they are always open, which allows energy to circulate freely and correctly throughout the body, as well as affect the endocrine and nervous system. There are three main states of the chakra:

  • normal
  • excited;
  • oppressed.

All conditions, except normal, indicate a violation of energy exchange, which means that the risk of developing diseases increases.

When the chakras are working properly, a person radiates happiness, because nothing bothers him. In some cases, when the functioning of the disease is restored, they themselves are eliminated. The body is filled with the necessary amount of vital energy, which can lead to the disclosure of psychological abilities.

What are the chakras for?

Chakra Functions:

What can disrupt the chakras?

There may be several reasons for the violation of the functionality of the energy flow. The most common are:

  • wrong attitude to life;
  • the habit of being offended by the whole world because of failures;
  • wishes of evil to other people (wishes of evil to relatives are especially strong in terms of breaking down the chakras);
  • self-condemnation that is permanent;
  • a large number of desires that a person does not know how to manage.

Any negative thoughts and emotions affect the energy flow and provoke illnesses. However, violations at the energy level can be easily corrected, but only if there is no physical manifestation yet. Another important condition: a person must believe in his healing, a skeptical person is much more difficult to treat. This may be due to the fact that the old beliefs make his subconscious mind completely ignore any flow of energy. As a result of this, the body rejects any effect, which means that recovery is inhibited.

The main energy chakras and diseases (table) and psychology

There are special tables that correlate physical illnesses with the problem of a particular chakra. Why is such a dependency? The point is their mutual arrangement.

To date, 7 major human chakras are distinguished, each of which is responsible for the health of certain organs and systems.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Sacrum, reproductive system, pelvis, colon, rectum

Sacral (svadhisthana)

Female and male genital organs, bladder, part of the kidneys and renal pelvis, ureters and urethra, ovaries, uterus, hips

Solar (Manipura)

Stomach and gastrointestinal tract (except for its upper part, as well as the large intestine), upper part of the kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, pancreas

Cardiac (Anahata)

Cardiovascular system, lungs, thoracic ribs, arms, lower part of the bronchi

Throat (vishudha)

Thyroid gland, ears, larynx, trachea, esophagus and upper bronchus

Frontal (ajna)

Brain, eyes, maxillary and nose, upper teeth

Crown (sahasrara)


In addition, the so-called small chakras stand out:

  • Plantar is responsible for the function of feeding the child.
  • The knee controls movement and the ability to balance.
  • Chakras of the base of the brain allow a person to survive in modern conditions.

Since each chakra regulates the work of a certain organ or system of the body, it is possible to determine by a diagnosis which correction is recommended.

  and diseases associated with it

The problem of infertility, both male and female, is directly related to violations in the work of this chakra, since the chakra is responsible for the work of the prostate gland, ovaries and uterus. In addition, a typical disease that is associated with this chakra is hemorrhoids. The main reason for the development of this unpleasant disease is greed. During this, a person brings the chakra fields to things. If you are concerned about an attack of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to throw some thing out of the house - and relief will come instantly.

Muladhara is also responsible for the functions of the large intestine, adrenal glands and musculoskeletal system. That is why the following diseases are associated with violations in her work:

  • obesity;
  • injuries, including fractures;
  • bowel disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypersensitivity.

Other chakras and diseases are also linked, the table of which is given above. If we talk about muladhara, then it is tied to the elements of the earth, which is why you should not refuse from its help.

Sacral chakra

Or svadhisthana. This chakra belongs to the elements of water and is located just below the navel. She is responsible for human creativity, sexuality and childbearing. It is inherent in orange color.

The cause of violations in her work is a constant feeling of guilt, hopelessness or unfulfilled promises. When the chakras are blocked, what diseases arise? The following violations are associated with svadhisthana:

  • Infertility.
  • Miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • Birth with hereditary diseases, deformities.
  • Adultery.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Dermatitis is a svadhisthana chakra disease.
  • Frigidity (impotence) or the reverse side, promiscuity.
  •   (fibromas, cysts, prostatitis).

Finding out the cause of guilty feelings will help to remove the block. As soon as you understand yourself, ask forgiveness from those to whom you are guilty, the sexual life will immediately return to normal. Relaxing massages in the pelvic area will also help, and most importantly, you need to get satisfaction in sex.

Chakra Manipura

The yellow chakra is located in the navel. Regulates immunity, protective and cleansing functions, as well as assimilation functions. When the chakra is full of energy, the body is able to receive and assimilate all the trace elements and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning. In addition, energy can be obtained from In the absence of blocking, chakras and diseases (the table of chakras are presented above) do not develop. Such a person is successful, has power, good luck in business. In addition, he is characterized by a healthy psyche and developed intelligence. This chakra requires increased consumption of magnesium in case of violation.

The causes of violations can be:

  • lack of responsibility for their actions;
  • permanent debts;
  • inability to defend one's own interests;
  • aggression and anger.

When the chakra is blocked, energy is transferred to other people. The following diseases are associated with violations in the work of manipura:

  • psychological stress (constant feeling of anxiety, fears);
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • ulcer;
  • stone formation;
  • pancreatitis
  • diabetes;
  • infertility.

The peculiarity of this chakra is that if there is a violation in its work, there are external manifestations of this, such as redness of the face, and leanness.

Anahata chakra and diseases associated with it

This is the chakra of love, which is why it is in the heart. It is truly considered central. Although its color is green.

It affects the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as the lower part of the bronchi and lungs. The main signs that the chakra is not working are:

  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • heart attack;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • mastopathy.

The causes of blockage are grief, a feeling of pity, regret and injustice. The oppressed chakra also affects the psycho-emotional state, which is expressed by depression and constant touchiness.

The cause of pulmonary disease is the lack of joy and constant longing. Bronchitis is a consequence of dissatisfaction with one’s own life.

Unlocking anahata is very difficult, because such a person is apathetic and unable to assess the problem soberly. However, everything is real. A person with a blocked heart chakra needs to cry, and then relief comes.

Features of blocking the throat chakra

Vishuddha is the chakra that is responsible for the human energy potential. It is blue in color and is located in the thyroid gland. This chakra is directly related to the umbilical, they can weaken or strengthen each other.

The main field of action of vishudhi is the personal space of man and his time. If there are no irregularities in the work, then a person is characterized by sociability, lightness, good self-realization, a sense of personal freedom, creative messages. As for physical health, when blocking chakras and illnesses (there is a table in this article), the throat, mouth, ears, thyroid gland arise in the work, their reason is understatement or criticism. In particular, this may be expressed as follows:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma
  • goiter;
  • acquired deafness;
  • stuttering.

What is the danger of blocking the frontal chakra?

The ajna chakra and the diseases associated with it occupy a special place. This is due to the fact that she is responsible for the work of the so-called third eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows. In some people, the color in this area is predominantly yellow, in others it is purple. She is responsible for reason, sincerity, understanding and compassion. At the physical level - for the work of the brain, eyes, and upper teeth.

When there are no violations in it, a person has a well-developed intuition, memory, logical thinking. If there is oppression, agitation or blocking (the cause of this, as a rule, is “sinking” on a particular problem, constant grunts and criticism), then the following diseases may develop:

  • headache;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • diseases of the upper jaw.

Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara

It is located on the very top of the head, in the so-called crown. She is characterized by purple. This chakra is directly related to the spiritual body and divinity. Gives a person wisdom, intelligence, spirituality, insight. It is this chakra that forms the aura that some people can see.

With abnormalities in the work of sahasrara, constant headaches are observed, as well as diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders.

In addition to the main ones, there are so-called sub-chakras (or small ones), which, in turn, also have branches. Moreover, they are all closely interconnected. If a person feels unwell, then it is worth thinking about the correctness of life and emotions. Description of human chakras and disease can be seen in the article above.

Possible reasons

Chakras and human diseases are interconnected. The main reasons for this are the lack or excess of energy in the chakra, its insufficient or excessive activation, as well as the presence of prana in the chakra, which is unusual for it. If chakras and diseases are connected, treatment should occur exclusively at the energy level.

Rules and correction methods

The work of these energy fields is directly related to the state of the human body. That is why the use of even the most effective, according to doctors, and modern treatment methods does not help in eliminating the symptoms. Remember that diseases associated with the chakras cannot be eliminated using conventional methods. With obesity, diet and sport will not always help, because a person will still be frustrated, because he has a violation of energy, which controls his actions.

At the moment, there are certain methods of spiritual self-improvement, which will help to activate the work of the chakras or normalize it. For example, Yoga Arhatov, whose meditations restore the energy of a person without harming him.

Everything in the world is energy. This energy spreads in space in waves of different magnitude and level of vibration. The waves interact endlessly with each other. They can intersect, exchange vibrations, merge together, annihilate.

The chakra is an energy center in which vibrations of different frequencies and densities are connected together. On the human body, chakras are manifested in the form of nerve nodes, joints and glands. At the energy level, they are rotating at different frequencies.

Seven major human chakras are located along the axis of the spine. And each chakra is responsible for one or another aspect of the human soul.

The spheres of the human soul and the corresponding chakras:

  • Body and instincts - Muladhara Chakra;
  • Emotions and pleasures - Swadhisthana Chakra;
  • Will and vitality - Manipura Chakra;
  • Love and spiritual exchange - Anahata Chakra;
  • Creativity and self-expression - Vishuddha chakra;
  • Intelligence and Intuitive Insight - Ajna Chakra;
  • Connection with the Supreme Mind - Sahasrara Chakra.

The higher the chakra is located on the human body, the more subtle energies it interacts with. Thus, the lowest of the main chakras - Muladhara provides our connection with the earth, and the highest - Sahasrara is the center of contact with the Cosmic Mind.

Muladhara Chakra

  • Location: base of the spine, perineum;
  • Color: red;
  • Function: Survival.

Muladhara is the first chakra of the human energy structure. The center of biological life — instincts and reflexes — is concentrated in this center.

Chakra Muladhara - Center for Instincts

Muladhara is the guarantor of survival in the natural world. This chakra connects a person to the earth. “Mula” in translation means “root”, “adhara” means “foundation”. The harmony of human relations with the material world depends on the work of the Muladhara chakra: well-being, physical health, endurance, working capacity, immunity.

Svadhisthana chakra

  • Location: 3 cm below the navel, gonads;
  • Orange color;
  • Function: desire for pleasure.

In Swadhisthatana concentrated sexual energy, pushing for the continuation of the genus. This chakra is the center of pleasures, emotions and passions.

Swadhistana is responsible for the flow of sexual energy and the pursuit of pleasure. In psychology, the subconscious of a person is associated with this center, where there are hidden desires and thirst.

The energy of Swadhisthana is also a positive attitude, manifestation in creativity, pleasure from life and emotional exchange with others.

Swadhisthana Chakra - Pleasure Center

Manipura Chakra

  • Location: in the solar plexus;
  • Yellow color;
  • Function: vital energy.

Manipura is the center of will, action, and personal strength. From here comes the desire for power and social recognition.

The qualities that Manipur gives are determination, leadership, sociability. All public figures and managers draw energy for their activities from this chakra.

Chakra Manipura - the center of vitality

The energy of Manipura helps in spiritual development, in self-realization, in the struggle with one's own weaknesses. The state of this energy center determines how much a person controls himself. The development of Manipura gives control over instinctual desires and passions emanating from the two lower centers.

Anahata Chakra

  • Location: in the region of the heart;
  • Green colour;
  • Function: love and harmony.

The first three chakras relate to the material aspect of being, and the three highest chakras relate to the spiritual. In the central chakra - Anahata, these two worlds meet. And in their interaction the human soul is formed.

At the level of the heart chakra, an emotional, sensual and spiritual exchange takes place between people. The highest ability of Anahata is the transformation of any energy coming from the outside world into love and compassion.

The development of this center gives its owner spiritual harmony, emotional balance, acceptance of oneself and the world. Qualities such as mercy, humility, forgiveness, and empathy also belong to the level of Anahata.

Chakra Anahata - spiritual center

Vishuddha chakra

  • Location: throat, thyroid gland;
  • Blue color;
  • Function: self-expression.

The location of Vishuddha is not accidental, because it is this chakra that is responsible for expressing its individuality through the speech apparatus. Vishudha helps in upholding his ideas and views.

If Manipura is a will manifested in action, then Vishudha is a verbal expression of will. With the help of this chakra, a person declares himself and his intentions with the help of sound. This chakra, as a rule, is well developed among artists, speakers and teachers, whose profession is associated with speech and voice.

Vishudha also participates in creative activities, helps in the formation of an independent opinion, and resists the influence of other people's beliefs and the imposition of false values. The development of this center gives its owner extraordinary oratory skills, the ability to convince and an original creative approach to business. Poets, writers, journalists also use the energy of this chakra in their activities.

Vishudha Chakra - Center for Expression

Ajna Chakra

  • Location: overhead;
  • Color: blue;
  • Function: logic and intuition.

Ajna is also called the "third eye", as its function is directly related to providence and intuition. Translated, "Ajna" means "power without limits." Here is the control center for the entire structure of the human soul.

In Ajna, human consciousness is concentrated. Memory, intelligence, logic - Ajna is responsible for all this. However, the mind is only one side of the work of this center. The other side is the mind. The property of the mind is separation for the purpose of cognition. And the mind reunites everything together and allows you to see the deep and holistic essence of things and phenomena.

This center is associated with subtle matters and energies. Its development allows a person to see the harmony of the Universe, to capture previously elusive information from space. Ajna is the source of wisdom, intuitive influxes and insights.

Chakra Ajna - the center of intelligence and clairvoyance

Sahasrara Chakra

  • Location: overhead;
  • Color: purple;
  • Function: spirituality and enlightenment.

The Sahasrara combines the energies of all the chakras. The essence of this center is unity. Here contact is made with the Higher Self, with the Eternal Cosmic Mind. This is the level of collective consciousness. For a person who has discovered this chakra, any knowledge existing in the Universe becomes available.

Chakra Sahasrara - the center of communication with the Cosmic Mind

Location- The tailbone. In men, at the base of the spine. In women, between the ovaries.
Colour- Red.
Element- Land.
Sound- Lam.
Planets- Earth, Saturn.
Animal- The elephant.
The subtle body of the aura   - The etheric body.
Psychological functions   - Survival, grounding. Instincts, the basis of the psyche. Life and health of the physical body.
Parts of the body, organs   - Legs, bones, colon.
Chakra disruption   - Pathological fear, short temper, chronic fatigue, loss of strength. The destruction of the etheric body. Rejection of the perception of reality. The division of the world into 2 poles - black and white. Search for a miracle and savior.
Disease- Diseases of the legs, prostate, urinary tract. Impotence. Frequent infectious diseases. Psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, anorexia, bulimia, enuresis. Immunity reduction. Stop in physical development.

2nd Chakra - SVADHISTANA

Location- The sex chakra. Located 4-6 cm below the navel.
Colour- Orange.
Element- Water.
Sound- to you.
Planets- The moon.
Animal- Crocodile.
The subtle body of the aura   - The emotional body.
Psychological functions   - Emotions, sexuality. The focus of sexual energy. Sensation of oneself, one’s sex, one’s feelings. The ability to enjoy life, build relationships with the opposite sex, have a stable mood, express your feelings. Moral standards. Unfulfilled desires, suppressed fantasies, mental trauma.
Parts of the body, organs   - Uterus, genitals, kidneys, gall bladder.
Chakra disruption   - Denial of feelings, control over emotions, insensibility. Depression, anxiety, mood swings. Violation of gender identity, sexual problems. Jealousy.
Disease- Eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, diseases of the genitourinary system, homosexuality, debauchery, frigidity, infertility. Sexual disorders, psychopathology. Kidney disease.

3rd Chakra - MANIPURA

Location- The umbilical chakra. Solar plexus. Located 5-7 cm above the navel.
Colour- Yellow.
Element- Fire.
Sound- Ram.
Planets- Mars, the Sun.
Animal- Ram.
The subtle body of the aura   - The mental body.
Psychological functions   - Will, physical strength. Emotions: fear, greed, lies, cruelty, jealousy, treachery. The mixture of feelings and emotions and the output - specific actions.
Parts of the body, organs   - Gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, all metabolic processes. The muscles.
Chakra disruption   - Rationalization to the detriment of emotions. Violence against others, ambition, pride. Inert tongue, inability to formulate and express their thoughts, to act independently. Inability to take responsibility, leaving in childhood.
Disease- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. Visual impairment. Dementia. Memory loss.

4th Chakra - ANAHATA

Location- The heart chakra. Mid chest, sternum.
Colour- Green.
Element- The air.
Sound- Sam, pit.
Planets- Venus.
Animal- Antelope.
The subtle body of the aura   - The astral body.
Psychological functions   - Love, compassion, kindness, tenderness. Tolerance, harmony. The ability to accept people and oneself as they are. The ability to forgive. Unconditional love.
Parts of the body, organs   - Lungs, heart. Blood supply system. Palms.
Chakra disruption   - Depression, unwillingness to live, loneliness. Intolerance, inability to love oneself and others. Touchiness. Inability to build trust, inability to express one’s feelings.
Disease- Diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, chest. Asthma, hypertension.

5th Chakra - VISHUDHA

Location- Throat Chakra. Located at the base of the throat.
Colour- Blue.
Element- Air / sound.
Sound- Ham.
Planets- Mercury, Neptune.
Animal- deer.
The subtle body of the aura   - Intuitive body.
Psychological functions   - Communication, sociability. Self-love, finding inner harmony. Creation, creativity. The need for inner freedom.
Parts of the body, organs   - Throat, mouth, ears. Respiratory system, lungs, arterial blood.
Chakra disruption   - Inferiority complexes, guilt, self-doubt, hyperblocks. Inability to express an opinion. Submission to others, conflict. Immersion in oneself, isolation, self-confidence. The impossibility of creative realization.
Disease- Diseases of the respiratory tract, vocal apparatus, central nervous system. Decrease in hearing and sight. Respiratory disease.

6th Chakra - AJNA

Location- Frontal chakra. Third Eye.
Colour- Blue.
Element- The light.
Sound- Ohm.
Planets- Jupiter.
Animal- Eagle owl.
The subtle body of the aura   - Heavenly body.
Psychological functions   - Imagination, the creation of visual images, intuition, clairvoyance. Awareness of cosmic laws. Balance of emotions and reason.
Parts of the body, organs   - Eyes. Pineal gland, pituitary gland.
Chakra disruption

7th Chakra - SAHASRARA

Location- Crown Chakra. Located 1 cm above the crown.
Colour- Violet.
Element- Thought.
Planets- Uranus.
The subtle body of the aura   - The causal body.
Psychological functions   - Understanding, knowledge. Mind and connection with the subconscious. Connection to the universal information field of the Earth and the Universe. Unity with the Absolute. The conductor of cosmic energies.
Parts of the body, organs   - Cortex. Central and peripheral nervous systems.
Chakra disruption   - There is no balance between feelings and reason. Departure into the world of dreams, fantasies, confusion, delirium, hallucinations. Mental disorder, separation from reality.
Disease- Headaches, impaired vision and hearing. Psychopathology.

To improve the work of the chakras there are a variety of bioenergy techniques, meditations.

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