Myths how the world was created. The myth of the origin of people

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We continue to get acquainted with various myths about the creation of the world.



According to the Scandinavians, in the beginning was the emptiness of the Ginungagap. To the north of it was the frozen world of the darkness of Niflheim, and in the south lay the fiery red-hot country of Muspellheim. From this neighborhood, the Ginungagap’s world emptiness was gradually filled with poisonous hoarfrost, which began to melt and turned into the evil frosty giant Ymir. Ymir was the ancestor of all the frost giants.
  Then Ymir fell asleep. While he was sleeping, the sweat dripping from under his arms turned into a man and a woman, and the sweat dripping from his legs turned into another man. When a lot of ice melted, a cow of Audumla arose from the formed water. Ymir began to drink her milk, and she liked to lick salty ice. Licking the ice, she found a man beneath him, his name was Storms.
  Buri had a son, Boryo Bohr, married the hoarse giantess Bestle, and they had three sons: Odin, Vili and Ve. The sons of the Storm hated Ymir and killed him. So much blood flowed from the body of the slain Ymir that she sank all the giants, except Bergelmir, Ymir’s grandson, and his wife. They managed to escape from the flood in a boat made of a tree trunk.
  One and his brothers brought the body of Ymir to the center of the Ginungagapa and created the world out of it. They made the earth of Ymir’s flesh, the ocean of blood, the sky. They made the sky from a skull. And the brain was scattered in the sky, the clouds turned out.
  The gods ignored only the part in which the giants lived. It was called Etunheim. They fenced off the best part of this world with the eyelashes of Ymir and settled people there, calling it Midgard.
  Finally, the gods created people. From two tree knots, a man and a woman, Ask and Embley, turned out. All other people are descended from them.
  The last built the impregnable fortress of Asgard, which rose high above Midgard. These two parts were connected by the rainbow bridge Beavrest. Among the gods, the patrons of the people, there were 12 gods and 14 goddesses (they were called ases), as well as a whole company of other deities, smaller ones (vans). This whole host of gods crossed the rainbow bridge and settled in Asgard.
Over this multi-layered world, Yggdrasil ash has grown. Its roots sprouted in Asgard, Etunheim and Niflheim. On the branches of Yggdrasil there was an eagle and a hawk, a squirrel ran up and down the trunk, deer lived at the roots, and below all sat the Nidhegg snake, who wanted to eat everything. Yggdrasil is that which has always been, is and will be.


At the beginning there was a formless, dimensionless Chaos, then Gaia (Earth) appeared with Tartar (the abyss) deep in its depths and the eternal, long existing before them power of attraction - Eros. The Greeks used the same name to call the god of love accompanying the goddess of love Aphrodite, but Eros, who stood at the beginning of the universe, excludes any feeling. Eros can be compared with the force of universal gravitation - it is similar to the law. This force set in motion Chaos and the Earth. Chaos produces the feminine - Night and the masculine - Erebus (Gloom). The night gave rise to Tanat (Death), Dream (Hypnos), a huge number of dreams, the goddesses of fate - Moir, the goddess of retribution Nemesis, Deception, Old age. Eris also embodied the rivalry and contention, from which the Exhausting work, Hunger, Sorrows, Battles, Murders, False words, Litigation and Lawlessness, but also the adamantly just Orc, punishing anyone who takes a false oath, also became a product of the Night. And from the conjunction of the Night with Erebus, a transparent Ether and a shining Day were born - Light from Darkness!
According to the myth of the origin of the world, after that Gaia woke up: at first Uranus (Heaven) was born, then the Mountains rose from its depths, their forested slopes filled the nymphs that she gave birth to, and Pont (Sea) spread over the plains. Sky covering of the Earth led to the appearance of the first generation gods - there were twelve of them: six brothers and six sisters, powerful and beautiful. They were not the only children from the union of Gaia and Uranus. Gaia also produced three huge ugly cyclops with a big round eye in the middle of the forehead, and after them three more arrogant Storuky giants. The Titans, having taken their sisters as wives, filled the expanses of Mother Earth and Father Heaven with their offspring: they gave rise to a tribe of gods of the most ancient generation. The eldest of them, the Ocean, had three thousand daughters, beautiful-haired oceans, and the same number of river flows that covered all the land. Another pair of titans produced Helios (Sun) Selena (Moon), Eos (Dawn) and numerous Stars. The third pair gave rise to the winds of Borea, Note and Zephyr. The titan Iapet could not boast as abundant offspring as his older brothers, but he became famous for few, but great sons: Atlant, who took on his shoulders the heavy burden of the vault of heaven, and Prometheus, the most noble of the titans.
  The youngest son of Gaia and Uranus was Cronus, impudent and impatient. He did not want to demolish both the arrogant patronage of the older brothers and the power of his own father. Perhaps he would not dare to raise his hand against him, encroaching on the supreme power, if not for Gay's mother. She shared with her matured son a long-standing resentment against her husband: she hated Uranus for the ugliness of her sons, the Storuky Giants, and imprisoned them in its dark depths. Cronus, under the cover of Nikty and with the help of Gaia's mother, seized his father's power. Having married his sister Rhea, Kron laid the foundation for a new tribe, to which people gave the name of the gods. However, the insidious Kron was afraid of his offspring, because he himself raised his hand to his father, and so that no one would deprive him of power, he began to swallow his own children immediately after their birth. Rhea complained bitterly about her sad fate, Gaea and received advice from her on how to save another baby. When the child was born, Gaia herself sheltered him in one of the inaccessible caves, and Ray gave her husband a swaddled stone.
Meanwhile, Zeus (as the mother of the rescued baby was called) grew up in a hidden cave on the slopes of the wooded Ida, the highest mountain in Crete. There he was guarded by young men of coats and coribants, drowning out children's cries with blows of copper shields and the rattling of weapons, and Amalfey, the noblest of goats, fed him with her milk. In gratitude for this, Zeus, subsequently taking his place on Olympus, constantly took care of her, and after death he lifted her to heaven so that she would always shine in the constellation of the Ascendant. It is interesting that Zeus kept the skin of his nurse, making him a shield - a sign of higher authority. This shield was called “auspices”, which in Greek meant “goat”. According to it, Zeus received one of his most common epithets - the aegis-containing. The horn that Amalfey accidentally broke during his earthly life, the lord of the gods turned into a cornucopia and gave his daughter Eirena, the patroness of the world.
  Having matured, Zeus became stronger than his father and not treacherous like Kron, but in an honest duel he overcame him and forced him to expel swallowed brothers and sisters from the womb: Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. So, according to the myth of the origin of the world, the end of the era of the titans came, which by this time filled the celestial and earthly spaces with several generations, - the era of the gods of Olympus began.


In the distant past, before the creation of the world, there was nothing: neither heat, nor light, no living things on earth and in heaven. In the vast space there was only one Zervan - infinite eternity. It was empty and lonely, and then He had a plan for the creation of the world. He wanted to have a son born to him. The desire was extremely great that Zervan began to make sacrifices for a thousand years. And two sons were born in his womb - Hormuzd and Ahriman. Zervan decided that He would give his firstborn son Hormuzd power over the whole world. Hormuzd read the Father's thoughts and told Ahriman about them. However, evil was already the essence of Ahriman even then, and he, in order to be born first, hastily tearing the membrane of the Father, came into the world. The evil Ahriman told his father: "I am your son, Hormuzd." Zervan looked at the ugly, filled with Darkness Ahriman and sobbed: this was not what He was waiting for. Immediately after Ahriman, Ormuzd appeared from the womb, radiating Light. Ahriman, longing for power over the world, was a younger brother, but by cunning he was the first to be born. Therefore, he boldly reminded Zervan that it was he who should rule the world, as promised. Zervan replied to Ahriman: "Sin, the Unclean! I will make you king, but only for nine thousand years, but Ormuzd will have power over you, and after the allotted time, the kingdom will be given to Ormuz and He will correct everything according to his will."
So, after the creation of the world, it was divided into two parts. The place of stay of Hormuzd, constant and limitless in time, full of omniscience and virtues, is pierced by endless light. The area subject to Ahriman, who is in darkness, ignorance and passion of destruction, which was, is, but will not always exist, is called the Abyss. Between the Light and the Dark Abyss there was a void in which infinite light and infinite darkness were mixed. Hormuzd began the creation of a perfect world by shedding a particle of his pure light into the abyss that separated him from Ahriman. But Ahriman rose from the Gloom, as was predicted. The cunning younger brother, lacking omniscience, did not know about the existence of Hormuzd, and was so enraged by what he saw the creation of the world that he declared war on the entire Creation. Hormuzd tried to convince Ahriman that there was no use in such a war, and He did not hold any evil against his brother. However, Ahriman did not listen, as he decided: "If the Omniscient Hormuzd tries to resolve the matter peacefully, then He is powerless." Ahriman did not know that he was not able to harm his brother, but he could only harm his being, only the Omniscient Hormuzd knew about it.
  The brothers are allotted nine thousand years from the beginning of the creation of the world: the first three thousand years of the event will occur according to the will of Hormuzd, the next three thousand years - the will of Hormuzd and Ahriman will mix, and in the last three thousand years the evil Ahriman will be exhausted and their confrontation due to Creation will end . Ormuzd showed Ahriman his victory at the end of history: the powerlessness of the Evil spirit and the destruction of divas, the resurrection of the dead, the final incarnation and the future tranquility of creation forever. And Ahriman fled in fear back into darkness. And although he fled, he continued the crazy struggle against Creation - he created divas and demons that rose to intimidate. The first thing that Ahriman created was the Lies that undermine the world. Ormuzd, created for himself the eternal immortal companions: Good Thought, Truth, Obedience, Devotion, Integrity and Immortality. Then He created beautiful angels who became messengers of Hormuzd and protectors of good. Ormuzd continued the creation of the world: He created Heaven and Earth, and between them He created light, stars, the moon and the sun. The omniscient One has defined places for everyone, so that they are always ready for battle with evil and saved.

Arikara Indians.

The Great Heavenly Spirit, Nesaru, sometimes called the Great Secret, was the sovereign of all creation. A vast sea stretched beneath the sky, on which two ducks always swam. Nesaru created two brothers, the Wolfman and the Happy Man, who ordered the ducks to dive to the bottom of the great sea and bring some land. From this land, Wolfman created the Great Plains, and Happy Man - hills and mountains.
  Two brothers went down underground and found two spiders. They explained to the spiders how to breed. Two spiders have spawned many species of animals and plants, as well as humans. In addition, they spawned a race of evil giants.
  These giants were so vicious that Nesar eventually had to destroy them, having sent a great flood. Nesaru loved people and saved them from death.

Huron Indians.

At first, there was nothing but water. Only a wide, wide sea. Its only inhabitants were animals. They lived on water, under water, or flew through the air.
  Then a woman fell from the sky.
  Two polar loons flew by and managed to catch her on their wings. However, the burden was too heavy. The loons were afraid that they would drop the woman and she would drown. They cried out loud for help. At their call all the creatures came and sailed.
  The Great Sea Turtle said:
  - Put the celestial woman on my back. She’s not going anywhere from my broad back.
  The loons did just that.
  Then the advice of the animals began to think about how to proceed. The wise Sea Turtle said that a woman needs land to live.
  All animals in turn began to dive to the bottom of the sea, but no one reached the bottom. Finally, the Toad ducked. It was a long time before she appeared again and brought a handful of earth. She gave this land to a woman. A woman lined her on the back of the Turtle. So the land arose.
  Over time, trees grew on it, rivers flowed.
  The children of the very first woman began to live.
  And to this day, the earth rests on the back of the Great Sea Turtle.

Maya Indians.

Once upon a time on earth there were no people, no animals, no stones, no trees. There was nothing. It was a vast and sad plain, covered with waters. In the twilight silence lived the deities Tepev, Kukumats and Hurakan. They got into a conversation and agreed on what was to be done.
  They lit the light that first illuminated the earth. The sea receded, exposing the land that could be cultivated and on which flowers and trees blossomed. A beautiful fragrance ascended to heaven from the newly created forests.
The gods rejoiced in their creations. However, they thought that trees should not remain without servants and keepers. Then they placed animals of all kinds on the branches and near the trunks. Animals remained motionless until the gods ordered each of them: - You will go to drink water from the rivers. You will go to sleep in a cave. You will walk on four legs, and one day your back will know the weight of the carried loads. And you, the bird, will live in the branches and fly through the air, not being afraid to fall.
  The animals obeyed orders. The gods thought that all living beings should be placed in their natural environment, but should not live in silence, since silence is a synonym for devastation and death. Then they gave them votes. But animals could only scream, not knowing how to say a single reasonable word.
  The distressed gods consulted and turned to the animals: - Since you were unable to understand who we are, you will forever live in fear of others. Some of you will devour others without disgust.
  Hearing these words, the animals tried to speak. However, only screams flew out of their throats and mouths. The animals obeyed and accepted the verdict: soon they began to pursue and sacrifice, and the meat was cooked and there were much more intelligent creatures that were to be born.

World egg and the birth of the world.

The ancient Slavs had several legends about where the world and its inhabitants came from. Many peoples (ancient Greeks, Iranians, Chinese) had myths that the world arose from an egg. Similar legends and tales can be found among the Slavs. In the tale of the three kingdoms, the hero sets off in search of the three princesses in the underworld. First, he falls into the copper kingdom, then - in silver and gold. Each princess gives the hero an egg, in which he turns in turn, concludes each kingdom. Having got out into the white light, he throws eggs to the ground and unfolds all three kingdoms.

One of the old legends says: “At first, when there was nothing in the world except the vast sea, a duck flying over it dropped an egg into the abyss. The egg cracked, and from its lower part came the mother-cheese earth, and from the upper stood the high vault of heaven. "

Another legend connects the appearance of the world with the duel of the hero with a snake, who guarded a golden egg. The hero killed a snake, split an egg - three kingdoms came out of it: heavenly, earthly and underground.

And here is how the Carpathian Slavs spoke about the birth of the world:

When there was the beginning of the world, Then there was no sky, no earth, only the blue sea, And in the midst of the sea was a tall oak, Two marvelous pigeons sat on an oak, They began to think how to found the light? We will go down to the bottom of the sea, We will take out fine sand, Fine sand, golden stone. We sow fine sand, we will blow the Golden stone. From fine sand - black earth, Studena voditsa, green grass. With golden stone - blue sky, Blue sky, bright sun, Yasen month and all the stars.

God creates the sky and the sea (legends of Russian peasants).

Pagan ideas about the beginning of the world after the adoption of Christianity were strongly influenced by the new religion. Christianity gave a more harmonious picture of creation. A popular interpretation of the Christian myth is found in many legends. Here is one of them.

Before the creation of the world, a bright God sat in the air, and the light from his face was seventy times brighter than daylight, and his clothes were whiter than snow, brighter than the sun. Then there was no sky, no land, no sea, no clouds, no stars, no days, no nights. And God said: let there be a crystal sky, and dawn, and stars. And the wind blew from his bowels, and sat in the east in the beauty of his glory, and established thunder in an iron chariot. Then God looked down at the earth and saw that everything below was formless and empty. He wondered how to better arrange the earth, and from those thoughts of God dark nights rose, and from the thoughts of God clouds and fogs arose. Rain clouds gathered from the clouds and it started to rain. He poured until the blue sea spilled below.

God and Satan create the earth. But folk ideas were influenced not only by biblical stories, but also heretical books forbidden by the church, in which the world was created not only by God, but also by Satan. The idea that there is a constant struggle between good and evil (God and Satan) in the world was close and clear to the people's worldview. Here's how they talked about the creation of land in the Russian North.

God descended into the sea through the air and sailed in it with a white gogol, until he met Satan, swimming with a black gogol. They decided to raise the earth from the bottom of the sea. God ordered Satan:

- Dive to the bottom of the sea and pull out a few grains of earth with the words "In the name of the Lord, go, earth, after me," and bring me upstairs.

But the Evil One deceived and wanted to make land only for himself alone, and did not mention the name of God. He dived into the abyss, and when he emerged, it turned out that he did not have a grain of sand in his hands. Dived another time - and again failure.

Then he prayed to God for help, and God helped him. Satan took a handful of earth from the bottom. From that handful God created even places and fields, and the devil made impassable abysses, gorges and high mountains. Here's how it came out:

When Satan, at the command of God, took the earth from the bottom of the sea, he did not give it to God, he hid it a little behind his cheek. When God commanded the land that he threw to the surface of the sea to grow, the earth began to grow beyond Satan's cheek. He began to spit it, and from the spit of Satan turned mountains, swamps and other barren places.

On what the earth rests.  By creating the earth, God strengthened it on fish that swims in the sea. Every seven years, the fish sometimes sinks and rises, which is why some years are rainy and others arid. When a fish flips over, there are earthquakes.

They also say that the earth rests on “high water,” water on a stone, stone on four golden whales floating in a river of fire. And all together rests on an iron oak, which stands on the power of God.

Here is how the Serbian legend says it:

What holds the earth? - The water is high. What holds water? - The stone is flat. What holds a stone? - Four golden whales. What holds whales? - The river of fire. What is holding fire? - Iron oak, He was the first to be planted, His Root stands on the power of God.

World tree.  The Slavs imagined the whole world in the form of a huge oak - the World Tree, on which all living things were located.  The branches of the tree went into the sky, the roots - under the ground. At the top were the sun, moon and stars. Birds lived in the branches. Under the roots of the tree lived snakes and other inhabitants of the underworld. The tree, dropping leaves and reviving again, personified the eternal cycle of life and death.

Creation of man.

Almost all the traditions of the Slavs about the origin of man go back to the biblical legend about how God created man from clay, from the earth, from dust. True, here the biblical story is supplemented by a plot about the participation of Satan in this matter. Most often it was said that the Evil One created the human body, and God put the soul into it.

The old Russian chronicle tells of how the Magi-Gentiles spoke about the creation of people:

God washed in a bathhouse and sweated, wiped off with a rag (cloth) and threw it from heaven to earth. And Satan argued with God which one to create man from. And the devil created man, and God put his soul into him. Therefore, as a person dies, his body goes to the earth, and his soul goes to God.

The Slavs also have an ancient legend about the creation of people from eggs. God, cutting eggs into halves, threw them to the ground. Here, from one half, a man was obtained, and from the other, a woman. Men and women, formed from the halves of one egg, find each other and marry. Some halves fell into the swamp and died there. Therefore, their soul mates can not find a pair and spend life alone.

Creation of animals.

According to Russian folk traditions, God and Satan took part in the creation of most animals, like humans. Here, for example, is the creation of a dog.

God created the dog from the remnants of the clay that remained from the creation of man. At first the dog was hairless, so when God left her to guard the first people just blinded, she froze, curled up and fell asleep. Sneaked up to the people of Satan and spat on them. When God, seeing spit people, began to reproach the dog, she said: “So I froze. Give me wool, then I will be a faithful watchman. " And God gave the dog a coat. According to another legend, it was Satan who gave the dog a coat in exchange for the opportunity to approach the first people.

Unclean animals created by the devil were considered among the Slavs mice, hares, crows, kites, as well as nocturnal birds - owls, owls, owls. “Birds of God” called a dove, a swallow, a nightingale, an early bird, a stork.

But the bear among the Eastern Slavs was considered a pure animal, descending from God, a kind of double of man. It is possible that such a representation has survived from those times when the bear was one of the incarnations of the pagan Veles.

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Section history

Creation Myths


Ivanova Elina, Grade 6

Scientific adviser:

Izosimova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, teacher of history


  • Introduction
  • I. Myths about the creation of the Universe from the world Egg
  • Ancient China
  • Ancient india
  • Slavic mythology
  • II. Myths about the creation of the world from the primary Ocean
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Sumerian mythology
  • III. Creation bible
  • Conclusion
  • Literature


All modern people know how our world works. We live on planet Earth, which, together with other planets, revolves around the Sun. Our solar system enters a galaxy with many other galaxies ...

The question of the structure of the Universe is inseparable from the question of its origin. At all times, man was worried about where this world came from and what are the main stages of its formation.

In any national traditional culture, there are myths that explain the origin of the Universe and man, as well as telling about the initial stage of the Earth's existence. This part of mythology in science is called cosmogony, and myths are called cosmogonic.

Cosmogonic myths, creation myths, myths about the origin of the Universe from chaos, the main initial plot of most mythologies. They begin with a description of chaos (emptiness), lack of order in the universe, the interaction of the original elements. The main motives of cosmogonic myths are the structuring of outer space and time, the separation of the earth and sky by the gods, the establishment of the cosmic axis - the world tree, luminaries (separation of day and night, light and darkness), the creation of plants and animals. Creation ends, as a rule, with the creation of man.

Different peoples have myths about the origin of the world from the world egg, the primary Ocean, the Creator God.

Purpose of work: to identify similarities and differences in the myths about the creation of the world of various peoples;

Objectives: analysis of myths in terms of their origin;

Object of study: myths of the peoples of the world about the creation of the world;

Hypothesis: the creation of the world from the world Egg, from the primary Ocean and the Creator God.

Research Method: Acquaintance with the creation myths and their analysis.

creation world myth bible

I. Myths about the creation of the Universe from the world Egg

Ancient China

At first, the universe was like an egg. This egg was born by itself

Ancient india

In the beginning there was nothing. There was no sun, no moon, no star. Water only

extended indefinitely. At the beginning, the primordial cosmic waters gave rise to fire. By the power of cosmic heat - tapas - an egg was born in the waters. It floated in the waters when time had not yet been measured, but after a period equal to a year, the creator of the Brahma Universe emerged from the golden embryo. Brahma, by the power of thought, divides the egg into two halves: from one the sky is created, from the other the earth; air space arises between them. Brahma established the earth among the waters, created the cardinal points - it is not for nothing that he has four faces and four hands - and began the countdown. But when the creator looked around and saw that the Universe is empty, a fear of loneliness swept over him. Since then, everyone is afraid of loneliness. Brahma, however, continued to reflect and established himself in the idea that one could fear something outside oneself. There is no one to be afraid of, but his existence is bleak. Then Brahma, by the power of thought, gave birth to seven sons - the lords of all creatures. The eldest is Marichi, the embodiment of starlight, he was born from the soul of Brahma. From his eyes was born the second son - Atria. From the lips Angiras was born, a mediator between people and gods. The fourth - Pulasti - from the right ear, and from the left - Pulaha. The sixth son of Kratu was born from the nostrils of Brahma. The youngest - the seventh son of Brahma was Daksha, born of the big toe on his right foot; from a finger on the left foot, the only daughter was born - Virini. They produced numerous offspring with Daksha, their children became constellations in the sky.

Slavic mythology

At the beginning of time, the world was in darkness. But the Almighty revealed the Golden Egg, in which Rod was enclosed - the Parent of all things. Rod gave birth to Love - Mother Lada and, by the power of Love, destroying his dungeon, gave birth to the Universe - countless stellar worlds, as well as our earthly world.

The sun came out then out of his face.

The bright month is from His bosom.

Frequent stars are from His eyes.

Clear Dawns - From His Eyebrows.

Dark nights - yes from His thoughts.

Wild winds - out of breath.

So Rod gave birth to everything that we see around - everything that is with Rod - everything that we call Nature. The race separated the visible, manifest world, that is, the Apparition, from the invisible, spiritual world from Novi. Rod separated Truth from Krivda. In the chariot of fire, Rod approved Thunder. The Sun God Ra, who emerged from the face of the Family, was approved in a golden boat, and the Month in silver. The family emanated from their lips the Spirit of God - the bird Mother. By the Spirit of God, Rod gave birth to Svarog - Heavenly Father. Svarog completed the peacekeeping. He became the master of the earthly World, the lord of the Kingdom of God. Svarog approved the twelve pillars supporting the firmament. From the Word of the Most High, Rod created God Barma, who began to mutter prayers, glorifications, recite the Vedas. He also gave birth to the Spirit of Barma, his consort Tarusa. The clan became the Heavenly Spring and spawned the waters of the Great Ocean. From the foam of the waters of the Ocean came the World Duck, which gave rise to many gods - jasuns and demons-dasuns. The clan gave birth to the Zemun Cow and Sedun Goat, milk spilled from their nipples and became the Milky Way. Then he created the Alatyr stone, with which he began to bring down this Milk. From the butter obtained after buttermilk, Mother Earth Cheese was created.

All three myths are united by the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the world from the Egg. From the Egg, a creator is born, which subsequently separates the earth from heaven and creates all living things.

II. Myths about the creation of the world from the primary Ocean

Ancient Egypt

Once upon a time, many millions of years ago, there was Chaos - an endless and bottomless ocean. This ocean was called Nun. Gloomy, he was a sight! The petrified cold waters of Nun seemed to forever freeze in stillness. Nothing disturbed the peace. Centuries and millennia passed, and the ocean of Nun remained motionless. But once a miracle happened. The water suddenly splashed, swayed, and the great god Atum appeared on the surface. - I exist! I will create the world! I have no father and no mother; I am the first god in the universe, and I will create other gods! With incredible effort, Atum broke away from the water, soared above the abyss and, raising his hands, uttered a magic spell. At that moment, a deafening roar was heard, and Ben-Ben Hill grew among the foamy spray from the abyss. Atum sank down the hill and began to wonder what to do next. I will create the wind, Atum thought so. Without wind, this ocean will freeze again and will remain motionless forever. And I will also create the goddess of rain and moisture - so that the water of the ocean obeys her. And Atum created the god of the wind Shu and the goddess Tefnut - a woman with the head of a fierce lioness. It was the first divine couple on earth. But then misfortune happened. The impenetrable gloom still enveloped the Universe, and in the darkness of Chaos, Atum lost his children. No matter how much he called them, how much they screamed, stunning the water desert with weeping and wailing, the answer to him was silence. In total despair, Atum pulled out his Eye and, turning to him, exclaimed: - My eye! Do what I tell you. Go to the ocean, find my children Shu and Tefnut and return them to me. The eye went to the ocean, and Atum sat down and waited for his return. Having finally lost all hope of seeing his children again, Atum shouted: “Oh woe!” What should I do? Not only have I forever lost my son Shu and my daughter Tefnut, in addition I still lost the Eye! And he created a new Eye and put it in his empty eye socket. After many years of searching, True Eye found them in the ocean. As soon as Shu and Tefnut stepped onto the hill, God rushed towards them to hug them as soon as possible, when the Eye, blazing with rage, jumped up to Atum and grunted angrily: “What does this mean ?!” Is it your word that I went to the Nun Ocean and returned the lost children to you! I have done you a great service, and you. “Don't be angry,” said Atum. “I will put you on your forehead, and from there you will contemplate the world that I will create, will admire its beauty.” But the offended Eye did not want to listen to any excuses. Striving at all costs to punish God for betrayal, he turned into a poisonous snake cobra. With a menacing hiss, the cobra inflated its neck and bared its deadly teeth, aimed directly at Atum. However, God calmly took the snake in his hands and placed it on his forehead. Since then, the eye-serpent has adorned the crowns of the gods and pharaohs. This snake is called Urey. A white lotus grew out of the ocean. The bud was opened, and from there the sun god Ra, who brought the world the long-awaited light, flew out. Seeing Atum and his children, Ra cried with joy. His tears fell to the ground and turned into people.

Sumerian mythology

Once upon a time, when there was neither heaven nor earth, Tiamat lived - the goddess of sweet waters, Apsu - the god of salt waters, and their son - a fog rising above the water.

Then, two pairs of twins were born to Tiamat and Apsu: Lahma and Lahama (demons), and then Anshar and Kishar, who were smarter and stronger than the elders. Anshar and Kishar had a child named Anna. Anna became the god of heaven. Anna was born Ea. This is the god of groundwater, magic. The younger gods - Lahma, Lahama, Anshar, Kishar, Anna and Ea - gathered every night for a noisy feast. They prevented Apsu and Tiamat from getting enough sleep. Only Mummu, the eldest son of Apsu and Tiamat, did not participate in these entertainments. Apsu and Mummu turned to the younger gods with a request to stop the festivities, but they did not listen. The elders decided to kill all those who interfere with sleep.

Ea decided to kill Apsu, who started a conspiracy against the younger ones.

Tiamat decided to avenge the death of her husband. Her new husband, the god Kingu, strongly supported this idea. So, Tiamat and Kingu have developed a plan of revenge. Upon learning of Tiamat’s plan, Ea turned to Anshar’s grandfather for advice. Anshar proposed to defeat Tiamat with the help of magic, because her husband was dealt with exactly in this way. But the magical powers of Ea do not affect Tiamat. Anu, the father of Ea, tried to reason with the angry goddess, but nothing came of it. Since magic and negotiations did not lead to anything, it remains to turn to physical strength. Who to send to the battle? Everyone decided that only Marduk could do it. Anshar, Anu and Ea dedicated young Marduk the secrets of divine magic. Marduk is ready to fight with Tiamat; as a reward for victory, he demands the undivided power of the supreme god. Young Marduk gathered all the Annunaki (as the gods called themselves) so that they would approve the war with the supreme goddess and recognize him as their king. Anshar sent his secretary Kaku to call Lahma, Laham, Kishar and Damkin. Upon learning of the impending war, the gods were horrified, but a good dinner with plenty of wine reassured them. In addition, Marduk demonstrated his magical power, and the gods recognized him as king. The merciless battle lasted a long time. Tiamat fought fiercely. But Marduk defeated the goddess. Marduk removed “fate tables” from Kingu (they determined the movement of the world and the course of all events) and put it on his neck. He cut the body of the murdered Tiamat into two parts: he made heaven from one, and earth from the other. People were created from the blood of the murdered Kingu.

What should be distinguished from these myths ... And in Sumerian and Egyptian mythology we find the concept of the original existence of only one vast ocean, which was by itself. This ocean was lifeless. Then, gods are born from the Ocean, who give birth to other deities, with many relatives, and create the whole world. Gods create people. That is, in these myths three main stages can be traced, one after another: 1 - the existence of the original Ocean, 2 - the birth of the gods and the creation of the world, 3 - the creation of man.

III. Creation bible

Christianity sees the emergence of the universe as the creation of a single Creator God. God created the whole world in six days: "At first God created heaven and earth. But the earth was waterless and empty, and darkness was above the abyss; and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters. And God said, Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw. the light that it is good: and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day. And God said: let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it separate the water from On the third day, he gathered together all the waters on earth. So the ocean spilled, and the land appeared out of the water. On the fourth day he created two lights: one, to shine during the day, and another at night. On the fifth day he created fish and reptiles, as well as birds in the sky. And on the sixth day he created all kinds of animals roaming on the earth. Then God created man in his own image, and on the seventh day God rested from his labors and blessed this day, making it a holiday forever.

A distinctive feature of the biblical myth is that the only creator God is the true creator of man. The whole world was created only for the existence of man, who is the image of God and who is destined to reign over the world. And in mythologies, the appearance of man looks like a secondary event against the background of the origin of the gods. The creation of the world within six days is sequential, stepwise. After the next stage of creation, God characterizes the pristine nature and creature as perfect in his eyes. This recognition is not in myths. The biblical understanding of the creation of the world and man is different from the myths of the creation of the world from the Egg and the primary Ocean.


Cosmogonic myths of the peoples of the world are an integral part of mythology. Their material clearly shows the general and the differences. The interpenetration of cultures is observed, and this explains the similarity of motives and elements in the myths of different peoples.

These myths will be passed down from generation to generation. They will be eternal. And I think that the secrets of the universe will always attract a person.


1. Myths about the creation of the world / V.Ya. Petrukhin. - M: Astrel: AST: LUX, 2005.

2. Myths of Ancient India / E.N. Temkin. - M: Science, 1976.

3. Religion of Ancient Egypt / MA. Korostovtsev. - M: Science, 1976.

4. History of the Ancient World / A.A. Vigasin. - M: Education, 1993.

5. http: // ru. % D0% B8% D1% 80% D0% B0_% D0% B2_% D0% 91% D0% B8% D0% B1% D0% BB% D0% B8% D0% B8

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At the beginning there was nothing, neither Heaven nor Earth. Chaos alone - dark and limitless - filled everything with itself. He was the source and beginning of life. Everything came from him: the world, and the Earth, and the immortal gods.

At first, Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, emerged from Chaos, a universal shelter safe, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it. In the depths of the deep earths, in its darkest core, a gloomy Tartarus was born - a terrible abyss full of darkness. As far from the earth to the bright sky, so far lies Tartarus. Tartar is fenced off from the world by a copper fence, night reigns in his kingdom, the roots of the earth braid him and washes the bitter-salty sea.

From Chaos, the most beautiful Eros was also born, that by the power of Love, poured out in the world forever, he can win hearts.

Boundless Chaos gave rise to the Eternal Darkness - Erebus and Black Night - Nyuktu, they, combined, gave life to the eternal Light - Ether and bright Day - Hemera. The light spread throughout the world, and began to replace each other night and day.

The mother of gods, Gaia, gave birth to an equal Starry Sky - Uranus, which, like an endless cover envelops the Earth. The Gaia-Earth reaches for him, lifting up sharp mountain peaks, giving rise to the light, not yet connected with Uranus, the ever-noisy Sea.

Mother Earth has given birth to Heaven, Mountains and Sea, and they do not have a father.

Uranus married the fruitful Gaia, and six sons and daughters - mighty titans - were born to a divine couple. Their first-born son, the Ocean, deep, whose waters gently wash the Earth, shared a bed with Tethys, giving life to all the rivers that rush to the sea. Three thousand sons - river gods - and three thousand daughters-oceanids - gave birth to a gray-haired Ocean, so that they gave joy and prosperity to all living things, filling it with moisture.

Another pair of titans - Hyperion and Theia - gave birth to the Sun-Helios, Selena-Moon and the beautiful Eos-Dawn. Stars came from Eos that sparkle in the sky at night, and the winds are the sweeping north wind of Boreas, the east wind of Evreux, the humid southern Note and the gentle west wind of Zephyr, bringing white clouds of rain.

Three more giants - the Cyclops - were also born by Mother Gaea, in all similar to the Titans, but having only one eye in the forehead. Gaia also gave birth to three hundred-armed and fifty-headed giant-hecatonheirs with immense power. Nothing could stand against them. They were so strong and terrible that Father Uranus hated them at first sight, and imprisoned them in the bowels of the Earth so that they could not reappear.

Mother Gaia suffered, crushed by her terrible burden, enclosed in her depths. And then she called on her children, telling them that the first lord Uranus planned the evil deed, and the punishment should fall on him. However, the titans were afraid to go against their father, only the cunning Cronus, the youngest of the titan-born children, agreed to help Mother overthrow Uranus. With the iron sickle that Gaia handed, Cronus cut off the father of a child-bearing member to his Father. From the drops of blood that spilled onto the earth, the terrible Erinis were born, not knowing mercy. From the sea foam, which washed a piece of divine flesh for a long time, the beautiful Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was born.

The mutilated Uranus was enraged, cursing his children. The punishment for the atrocity was the terrible deities born of the Goddess of the Night: Tanata - death, Eris - discord, Apatu - deceit, Ker - destruction, Hypnos - a dream with a swarm of gloomy, heavy visions, knowing no mercy Nemesis - revenge for crimes. Many deities that bring suffering to the world, Nyukta gave birth.

Horror, contention and misfortune were brought into the world by these gods, where Kron reigned on the throne of his father.


At the beginning there was nothing, neither Heaven nor Earth. Chaos alone - dark and limitless - filled everything with itself. He was the source and beginning of life. Everything came from him: the world, and the Earth, and the immortal gods.

At first, Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, emerged from Chaos, a universal shelter safe, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it. In the depths of the deep earths, in its darkest core, a gloomy Tartarus was born - a terrible abyss full of darkness. As far from the earth to the bright sky, so far lies Tartarus. Tartar is fenced from the world by a copper fence, night reigns in his kingdom, the roots of the earth braid him and washes the bitter-salty sea.

From Chaos, the most beautiful Eros was also born, that by the power of Love, poured out in the world forever, he can win hearts.

Boundless Chaos gave rise to the Eternal Darkness - Erebus and Black Night - Nyuktu, they, combined, gave life to the eternal Light - Ether and bright Day - Hemera. The light spread throughout the world, and began to replace each other night and day.

The mother of gods, Gaia, gave birth to an equal Starry Sky - Uranus, which, like an endless cover envelops the Earth. The Gaia-Earth reaches for him, lifting up sharp mountain peaks, giving rise to the light, not yet connected with Uranus, the ever-noisy Sea.

Mother Earth has given birth to Heaven, Mountains and Sea, and they do not have a father.

Uranus married the fruitful Gaia, and six sons and daughters - mighty titans - were born to a divine couple. Their first-born son, the Ocean, deep, whose waters gently wash the Earth, shared a bed with Tethys, giving life to all the rivers that rush to the sea. Three thousand sons - river gods - and three thousand daughters, oceanids - gave birth to a gray-haired Ocean, so that they give joy and prosperity to all living things, filling it with moisture.

Another pair of titans - Hyperion and Theia - gave birth to the Sun-Helios, Selena-Moon and the beautiful Eos-Dawn. Stars came from Eos that sparkle in the sky at night, and the winds are the sweeping north wind of Boreas, the east wind of Evreux, the humid southern Note and the gentle west wind of Zephyr, bringing white clouds of rain.

Another three giants - the Cyclopes - were also born by Mother Gaia, in all similar to the titans, but having only one eye in the forehead. Gaia also gave birth to three hundred-armed and fifty-headed giant-hecatonheirs, possessing immense power. Nothing could stand against them. They were so strong and terrible that Father Uranus hated them at first sight, and imprisoned them in the bowels of the Earth so that they could not reappear.

Mother Gaia suffered, crushed by her terrible burden, enclosed in her depths. And then she called on her children, telling them that the first lord Uranus planned the evil deed, and the punishment should fall on him. However, the titans were afraid to go against their father, only the cunning Cronus, the youngest of the titan-born children, agreed to help Mother overthrow Uranus. With the iron sickle that Gaia handed over, Cronus cut off his father a child-bearing member. From the drops of blood that spilled onto the earth, the terrible Erinis were born, not knowing mercy. From the same sea foam that washed a piece of divine flesh for a long time, the beautiful Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was born.

The mutilated Uranus was enraged, cursing his children. The punishment for the atrocity was the terrible deities born of the Goddess of the Night: Tanata - death, Eris - discord, Apatu - deceit, Ker - destruction, Hypnos - a dream with a swarm of gloomy, heavy visions, knowing no mercy Nemesis - revenge for crimes. Many deities that bring suffering to the world, Nyukta gave birth.

Horror, contention and misfortune were brought into the world by these gods, where Kron reigned on the throne of his father.


At the beginning of Eurynome, the goddess of all things, rebelled naked from Chaos and found that she had nothing to rely on. Therefore, she separated the sky from the sea and began her lonely dance over its waves. In her dance, she moved south, and behind her there was a wind that seemed to her quite suitable to begin the creation. Turning around, she caught this north wind, squeezed it in her palms - and the great serpent Ophion appeared before her eyes. To keep warm, Eurynome danced furiously until Ophion's desire aroused, and he entwined her divine loins to possess her. This is why the north wind, which is also called Boreas, fertilizes: this is why mares, turning backwards to this wind, give birth to foals without the help of a stallion. In the same way, Eurinoma conceived a child.

Then she turned into a dove, sat down, like a hen, on the waves, and after the lapse of the set time she laid the World Egg. At her request, Ophion wrapped himself seven times around this egg and hatched it until it split in two. And everything that exists in the world appeared from it: the sun, moon, planets, stars, the earth and its mountains, rivers, trees, grasses and living beings.

Eurinoma and Ophion settled on Olympus, but he offended her by declaring himself the creator of the universe. For this, she hit him on the head with his heel, knocked out all his teeth and drove him into the dark underground caves.

After that, the goddess created seven planetary forces, placing at the head of each titanide and titan. Theia and Hyperion ruled the Sun - which shone to all living things; Phoebe and Atlas - the Moon, created for witchcraft, Dion and Kriy - Mars, giving growth; Metis and Coy - Mercury, the source of wisdom; Themis and Eurymedont - by Jupiter, the creator of laws; Tethys and the Ocean - Venus, the giver of love; Rhea and Cronus - Saturn, bringing peace.

But the first person was Pelasgus, the ancestor of all Pelasgians. They were born from the teeth of Ophion, who fell to the ground.


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