They go to suicides for a funeral. On the commemoration of suicides on Trinity parental Saturday and on radonitsa

A special day is approaching - April 30 - Radonitsa or Radunitsa. Our ancestors Slavs called this day Rodonitsa. There are other names similar to these of this day. Radonitsa is the day of special commemoration of the dead, a special memorial day. This day is celebrated in many peoples, from ancient times, and Radonitsa is recognized including Christianity. Radonitsa is the only day in the whole year when, according to Orthodox traditions, it is possible to put a candle in the church for a deceased unbaptized person, a suicide and other deceased relatives or relatives, whose commemoration is not permitted on other days. Such people are not recognized by the Orthodox Church as “their own,” and it often turns out to be almost impossible to find help from the priests if relatives want to help such a deceased. This is not only about suicides, but also about people, for example, drowned in obscure circumstances. About people missing and under unknown circumstances, about people whose body was not found. About people not buried according to Christian customs. About the dead dead. It also refers to people whom it was customary to bury before the cemetery — murderers, maniacs, rapists, and others, mired in sins and not repenting before death (“evil souls”). Sometimes priests (according to the apostolic rules) do not allow people buried in their time and their death, baptized, who called themselves Christians in life, but did not go to church often. For example, six months before death I was not in the church - there is no funeral service for you. It is believed that this man also died in unbelief, unchrist, and therefore he is not “ours”, does not belong to our egregor. These are the rules of Orthodoxy, and it is not for us to judge them. The question is what to do to relatives and friends, asking:

  • "How to help a suicide?"
  • “Can I remember the suicides?”
  • "How to remember the drowned?"
  • “He died unbaptized, but I am Orthodox - how to remember” and others.

You may find the answer in this article, and you can spend Radonitsa productively this year.

Radonitsa or how to help a suicide

Do they remember suicides? How and when to remember suicides? The priests of the Orthodox Church advise them to pray on their own at home, but they consider this a matter absolutely hopeless and, moreover, dangerous for the person who wants to help such a dead person. Moreover, we are not talking about Radonitsa, but in general. " Of course, you can try to dare on this home prayer feat. However, be sure to take the blessing from the priest, and if he refuses, do not act outrageously - this will not end in good"Is the approximate answer. Orthodoxy has examples of the fact that suicides were forgiven for this terrible sin - there are several examples when a saint begged for a suicide during his life. Of course, the saint has a large supply of God's mercy, which he himself has earned and which he can pay for along with his fervent prayer for such a person of his own free will. For example, Seraphim of Sarov, after having prayed for a suicide youth, fell ill for several months, but he knew what he was doing and wanted to help the suicide himself.

So, the decision is yours to help such a dead person. But if you still decided to help the suicide or the drowned man, or the unbaptized, then do not miss Radonitsa. Go to church on Radonitsa, pray for this soul, put a candle for the repose of this soul. You can take the prosphora and try to partake such a soul, leaving it with a prosphora on the grave. Go to Radonitsa as you read in the article “Naviy Day” (a link to it is given a little higher) - and go to the cemetery, bring food to the grave, and light a fire in the evening. But if all the deceased relatives are remembered on Navius \u200b\u200bday, except for such "abandoned" deceased, then just such people are remembered on Radonitsa.

The only note that I think is important to your understanding is this. The so-called evil souls are not remembered at home, especially on Radonitsa! For example, if the deceased committed suicide at home (in your house or apartment where you live), then you should not leave food for him in the same house (bread, honey, etc.). You should not "feed" him in the house; this is a special place for such a soul - the place of his death. Make no mistake. A soul or an energy shell will get stronger from the food offered to it, gain strength and may begin to torment the living, attack, “tear off its malice” on those living in this house. In this case, you will have to expel her.

Radonitsa to commemorate the drowned

If your deceased relative or acquaintance drowned in obscure circumstances, or his body was not found and was not buried, and you want to help the soul of the drowned man, then do not miss Radonitsa. If there is a grave, then go to Radonitsuna his grave. If you didn’t find the body, then you need to go to Radonitsa to the reservoir in which your drowned man drowned - a lake, a river, the sea. Or to that reservoir which has a communication with that; for example, he drowned in the Black Sea, but this sea is far from you, but you have the opportunity to go to the banks of the Dnieper, the Dniester or another river flowing into it, then it will be easier and more convenient for you to go there to remember the drowned man. By the way, they also commemorate in Radonitsui other dead people without a body found and buried according to customs - if they disappeared in the mountains, then they go to the foot of the mountain, if in the forest, then to the forest, if in a swamp, then to a swamp and so on. So, to remember the drowned man, they came to the pond in the Radonitsuvs. It is possible to transfer food to the dead in two ways - on the boat or without it; it depends on tradition and does not detract from the result itself.

  • If without a boat, first let the petals of fresh flowers on the waves, then throw the shell of boiled eggs into the water, then put bread and honey in the water. At the same time they think about a person, ask for news from him.
  • If you have a boat, put petals of fresh flowers in it, put a lighted candle, crumble the shells of boiled eggs, put bread and honey too. If the drowned man smoked during his life, then you can put a lit cigarette in the boat. Also, sometimes a note is put in this boat with the name of the drowned man, and in modern times and his photo is at your discretion.

Why such a “set”? It is believed that flower petals are placed so that the drowned person has the opportunity to hear you. A boiled egg shell is needed so that he can receive the news from you and answer you (this is like a “letter to the king of the water”). Bread with honey is what the dead crave to satisfy their hunger. According to the old custom, they did not go to the dead without bread and honey.

You can also pray to Radonitsa in the temple for such a dead person, or at home. You can also leave water, bread and honey for him at home, light a candle. The best option is to rekindle in the evening on the Radonitsukoster, as has been said, and feed in this way. By the way, if on Navius \u200b\u200bday it is preferable to throw ash branches in a fire to keep the dead warm, then yew branches are thrown at Radonitsa. If you do not find these, use the ones available. Go to bed after the fire. Perhaps the drowned man will come to you with the news in a dream. Usually they “respond” to the ceremony not on the same night, but it is believed that they will receive your message before the Mermaid Day and then be able to answer, give you news about how they are there and how you can help them, how to ease their afterlife In addition, in the evening, before going to bed, put a lighted candle on the window in Radonitsuu - it will show the dead man the way to your home, and also drive away the evil spirits that can come in the form of the dead.

Radonitsa to help the restless souls

I also note separately about the restless souls, which are often dead in due time, those who died, those killed, those who fell in battle and others. In this rite on Radonitsa, you can ask this very soul what she needs to rest her. It often turns out that such a soul has some unfinished business, because of which it cannot find peace, and perhaps you are the only one who can help it. It may well be not difficult for you, but it is very important for this soul. Do what holds her, finish this business for her, and it will become much easier for her. You can find out what keeps her in the described way only to Radonitsa.

So, now you know when you can remember the suicides, unbaptized, drowned, and others. You know that for this is Radonitsa or Radunitsa. You know how to help a suicide, how to remember a suicide, how to remember a drowned man. I’ll also add that you don’t write about all the dead, “as it should” in one article, and you definitely won’t say what and with whom after death. Each case is unique and often requires an individual approach and consideration. But such a commemoration can be made on Radonitsa for any deceased, without exception. If the article about Radonitsa turned out to be useful to you, I will be glad. Ask questions about Radonitsy comments. Sincerely, Magician Azal, author of articles and the owner of the site "Magician of Magic".

World Suicide Prevention Day or World Suicide Prevention Day is an international date that is celebrated throughout the world every year, September 10th.

World Suicide Prevention Day is initiated by the International Association for the Prevention of Suicide (IASA) with the active support of the World Health Organization and under the auspices of the United Nations.
The number of suicides is currently around 800 thousand a year. According to WHO statistics, more people die from suicide in the third millennium than all wars and violent killings combined. World Suicide Prevention Day, as conceived by representatives of the International Association for the Prevention of Suicide, is designed to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to this problem.

Alexey Rosamaha
When you turn to the bottom
Standing by the roof on the ledge
When you distort your whole soul
And not believing in anything

When friends smile masks
The soul resists reading
And only moments remain
And hell is ready to receive you

But something in the heart will get warmer
And the load will leave the soul with an avalanche
And an angel with a sad smile
Whisper quietly GOD heard

Then with a renewed soul
You will return to a different world
And a ray of help of hope
You will keep yourself forever ...

  © Copyright: Alexey Rosamaha, 2010


"Life is a priceless gift of God!"

Suicide is the worst situation for an unprepared person to move to another world. All religions consider suicide to be a sin of sin. As early as the fourteenth century, Dante Alighieri published the famous epic poem The Divine Comedy, claiming he had visited hell and purgatory. In the lowest circles was a forest of suicides. It contained the souls of those who committed the sin of suicide, turned into ridiculous trees. Since they rejected life on earth, they were condemned in eternity to remain motionless in hell.
This is a description of the fate of people who committed suicide. Not confirmed by the work of mediums.
Suicides  - these are poor people who do not have the courage to bear the sorrows of existence. Life on Earth sometimes plunges people into confusion and they think life is so chaotic and meaningless that they lose the intuitive sense of their own goals and tasks for fulfilling their Karma.

"If you want life to smile at you, first smile at life yourself. Where there are no waves, there is no true path."
God helps the afflicted with a desire to overcome troubles, and not those in which there is no desire to fight
. You must use all means to get out of difficulty, you need to fight unhappiness and despise the opinion of that selfish and vain society, which favors only those who do not need anything and immediately turn their backs on you as soon as you stop being needed .
Suicide upsets the karmic balance of several Fates. They influence Fates not only those with whom they are close, but also those whom they have not yet met, but must meet in the future. By their action they bring all the energies of their Soul into a state of complete disharmony.

According to the observations of the scientist Korotkov, the post-mortem states of people who died a natural death from old age and unnatural - as a result of suicide - have a different energetic nature. A scientist, for example, identified three types of glow of the fingers of people who died from various causes. This glow was captured using high-frequency photography. The first type, characteristic of natural death, has a small amplitude of energy fluctuations. After the rise of energy in the first hours after death, a smooth and calm decline occurs. The second type of luminescence, characteristic of "sudden" death as a result of accidents, also has a small amplitude of energy fluctuations in the presence of one pronounced peak. The third type of luminescence is characteristic of death resulting from a combination of circumstances that could have been avoided under more favorable conditions. This type of glow is characterized by a large amplitude of energy fluctuations that occur over a long time. It is precisely this state of energy that is precisely characteristic of death resulting from suicide.

According to the St. Petersburg researcher, the sharp ups and downs in energy in the body of a person who committed suicide are caused by the state of his energy counterpart - a thin body that prematurely lost its physical shell, forcibly “pushed” from the physical plane into a different world and unable to begin a natural existence in last one. In other words, the subtle body of a suicide literally rushes between the discarded physical shell and the Astral plane, finding no way out.

Many of the people who tried to commit suicide, but saved by the doctors, claimed that they were told by a certain “voice” from another world that they often recognized the voices of their deceased relatives. The voices of another world that process the consciousness or subconscious of future suicides have nothing to do with the deceased relatives and the light forces of the Astral plane. They belong either to obsessive thoughtforms or to lower wandering spirits who hunt for the vital energy of people, preferring not to extract energy on their own, but to steal it. For at the time of the death of a person a huge amount of psychic energy is released into space, which can become coveted food for non-material vampires. It is for the purpose of obtaining it that these entities often attach themselves to the aura of people who are in a stressful or depressed state and begin their mental processing, provoking the victim to commit suicide.

Psychics can often identify similar channels of communication with astral vampires in a person’s aura, calling these channels “bindings,” “connections,” “hookers.” Sometimes the treatment of potential suicides is more subtle, on a subconscious level. In such cases, not voices incite suicide, but obsessive thoughts with the same self-destruction program. And, as a rule, people accept these thoughts inspired from outside as their own desire.

All the problems appear before us so that we, overcoming them, develop, fight with our shortcomings, develop our character, work out our Karma created in past lives.
Going to the Earth, the Soul gives the word that it will do everything that it itself voluntarily accepted for execution for its own good. A person who has attached himself to the Earth with dense Karma can work it out only in the Physical World of the Earth, and each Soul seeks to do this in order to become free from dense Karma. If a person, faced with problems, decides to get away from them by suicide, then he takes these problems into a world where he cannot overcome them.
Suicide will deprive a happy Afterlife.

Psychologists believe that the main motive for suicide is the desire to break once and for all the damned knot of problems and torment, to find peace in non-existence ... But is it, this non-existence? And is there a long-awaited peace in him?
The main punishment for them will be - a disappointment in their hopes, they will understand that after death they did not get rid of their earthly problems. They are not able to quickly deal with the problems that prompted them to take this step. A person in the afterlife will gradually come into conflict with what has been accomplished, a feeling of shame and guilt. it seeks punishment itself, therefore, with the appearance of guilt, the suicide will fail in the lower worlds ("Purgatory"), where he will punish himself.
Guardian Angels quickly come to these souls, and the healing process begins. Suicides after awakening consciousness (in some cases it takes decades), or staying in Purgatory, do not immediately return to new life. They are constantly talked with, taught, helped to realize what exactly led them to this decision and pushed to this action. And freed from the oppression of earthly problems, overcoming their despair, they will gradually begin to realize what they have refused.
In the period between incarnations, they will learn how to cope with their earthly problems in the next life, and not give in to them.

Suicide burdens the Soul with a heavy burden of negative Karma, which can only be neutralized with the help of good deeds in previous and subsequent incarnations. To atone for suicide and balance your karma, it takes not one, but several lives. A person must go through the same situation and the same problems again, or several times, until he learns to solve them properly. He will never be able to avoid these problems or avoid them..

Suicide in order to avoid shame or punishment for committing a bad act does not make amends, but rather aggravates it. Once you have the courage to commit evil, you need to have courage and bear its consequences. God is supportive and, if a person repents, then He can reduce the severity of the sentence.

Not be deprived of life, but of useless pleasures, these deprivations alienate a person from materiality and elevate his Soul. Resist temptations that prompt a person to excesses or to useless pleasures. Kill your pride; get rid of your egoism.

SELF DONATION  not suicide; but God resists the useless sacrifice, and He cannot be pleased if this sacrifice is clouded by pride. Self-sacrifice is merit only when it is selfless.
Any personal sacrifice that has a good purpose without a backward egoistic thought elevates a person above his material position.

Suicide - Riot Against the Laws of the Universe

The main thing is not how much to live, but how to get through life, worthily overcoming the difficulties of the path.   But not all people withstand these difficulties.
Some come from horror, others from joy. Some inspire death, others know life. So a person to a large extent determines his future. One can be sure that the one who determines the ultimate death does not know about the Subtle World. Maybe he catches the outer rites, but his heart is far from the truth.

People like weak runners stepping aside are suicides.
All religions and moral and ethical Teachings, given to humanity on Earth before, warned of the dangers of suicide.

« A dried leaf, turning to dust, rises to a new life. Man, subject to the laws of Nature, follows the same path. Suicide is not an interruption in the chain of Life, but a rebellion directed against the Forces of Evolution, a crime against God and oneself. The soul cannot be killed, but the flesh that interrupted the thread of earthly life, deprived the ability of its divine spirit to fulfill the tasks that were assigned by the Creator.
May God grant everyone to carve out a spark of prudence in himself and the darkness of prompting not to give in, foreseeing all her gloating; but exert superhuman strength, turning your gaze to heaven, and the Joy of Being will triumph in the heart in all the Glory of the Infinite Beauty. Feel in your fall, like an autumn leaf, the triumph of the note of Life, ever self-regenerating!
  Think of a duty to Life ...

An attempt on one’s own life becomes almost a planetary disaster. Of course, brought to the line of despair by such an act expresses a kind of rebellion against the established situation around him. But if every weak-willed person, unable to challenge the collapsed disasters, begins to settle accounts with life by imposing his hands on himself, then who will remain in the world? Perhaps only those who are only busy with it and pushing toward the abyss, desperate for a weak soul, and several heroes who dared to confront the killers. ”

Suicides are preparing a terrible fate for themselves, suggesting that beyond death they will be released. Not. Their situation will be further aggravated by falling directly into the shadows of darkness, which does not want to let prey out of tenacious hands.

Hearing the voice of the whispers of the dark, responding to the call of death acts on the understanding of the servants of the black box, widely using a kind of coding for self-destruction. They introduce it into the human mind, modeling the thought form, following which the victim herself acts as her executioner.
Sometimes it seems to a person that everything in life is lost and there is no need to live anymore, and grief and injustice are immeasurable. He thinks that death will lead him to a certain “non-existence”, where there will be corruption, but he will not feel anything. If people knew that in the Subtle World the whole sensual sphere is aggravated! The suicide boils for a long time in his earthly sufferings.

For example, a person who has lost a loved one and decides to commit suicide in grief will experience the death of a loved one again and again, experience the whole depth of suffering, prepare for suicide, commit it, and such a circle is experienced many times until the energy of thoughts is exhausted, associated with this period of life.

“And so listen to the Voice of Life. And no matter how hard it may be, do your duty to her, for you may pay the last payment of karmic debt. You won’t walk in debtors for a long time, as long as you patiently settle your past accounts. But not wanting to spend several years on a fee, then you can pay hundreds and thousands of lives for debts multiplied. Call to the Forces of Good and on the verge of despair, on the edge of the abyss hear the Voice of Life, for Happiness and Joy embodied you in a human body. And firmly believe that all dreams have the property to come true - the main thing is not to lose faith in Life! ”
“And if nothing is already able to please you, then, gritting your teeth, patiently continue the path, keeping great faith in your heart that the Universal Joy is destined for you without fail. An extinct day - a step closer to Happiness inevitable - only think this way and not otherwise. And Joy will inevitably flood its currents, forcing all the darkness of hopelessness out of your chest. ”

© Newspaper New Age - Age of Love

As you know, the name of the church commemoration of suicides PROHIBITED. There is no requiem for suicides and there are no special days of remembrance for them, and church prayer for them is NOT offered. Prayer to the holy martyr Huar is not offered for suicides, but for unbaptized ones.

In the chants of the Trinity Parental Saturday there are words in which we ask the Lord to put His mercy on those who himself committed suicide, but at the same time there is no memorial service and particles are not taken out at the Liturgy for suicides. I.e, NEVER suicides commemorate  (if there was no blessing for the funeral service).

For suicides, you can pray to relatives yourself at home prayer, asking the Lord to show mercy to sinners who raised their hands to their lives. You can give alms for his soul, you can put candles on his repose and pray yourself. Both at home and in the temple.

There is a known case when Athos was offered to pray for repose, but after some time the monks returned the money and said that the Lord did not accept the prayer - probably the man himself had left.

However, there are exceptions to the rules. Some suicides are funeral. These are cases when a person was mentally unhealthy, or was in a state of such a strong affect that there was insanity. Appropriate medical documents must be available about this. But in any case, the priest DOES NOT have the right to perform such a funeral without the blessing of the ruling bishop. Only if there is a blessing from the bishop in writing for the commission of such a burial, can the priest bury the suicide. If the priest independently makes such a decision, without the participation of the lord, he is liable to punishment up to a ban on priesthood, or deprivation of dignity.

Church Canons Prohibit “Offering and Prayer” for Suicides (Rule of St. Timothy of Alexandria, answer 14)as those who consciously rejected themselves from fellowship with God: who “will raise their hands upon themselves or put them down from above”: “ An offering is not appropriate for such, for there is a suicide". The validity of this rule is confirmed by the spiritual experience of ascetics, who, daring to pray for suicides, experienced insurmountable severity and demonic temptations.

Relatives and loved ones can take over, with the blessing of a priest, private reading of the prayer of the Rev. Elder Leo of Optina. Most of all, such dead people are helped by giving alms for them and by the pious life of their near and dear ones.

Prayer of St. Leo of Optina for private reading

Seek Lord, lost soul (river name), maybe it’s possible to have mercy! Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not sin this prayer of mine. Thy holy will be done!

As you know, the name of the church remembrance of suicides is FORBIDDEN. There is no requiem for suicides and there are no special days of remembrance for them, and church prayer for them is NOT offered. Prayer to the holy martyr Huar is not offered for suicides, but for unbaptized ones.

In the chants of the Trinity Parental Saturday there are words in which we ask the Lord to put His mercy on those who himself committed suicide, but at the same time there is no memorial service and particles are not taken out at the Liturgy for suicides.

Suicides never commemorated NEVER(if there was no blessing for the funeral service).

For suicides, you can pray to your relatives yourself at home prayer, asking the Lord to show mercy to sinners who raised their hands to their lives. You can give alms for his soul, you can put candles on his repose and pray yourself. Both at home and in the temple.

There is a known case when Athos was offered to pray for repose, but after some time the monks returned the money and said that the Lord did not accept the prayer - probably the man himself had left.

However, there are exceptions to the rules. Some suicides are funeral. These are cases when a person was mentally unhealthy, or was in a state of such a strong affect that there was insanity. Appropriate medical documents must be available about this. But in any case, the priest DOES NOT have the right to perform such a funeral without the blessing of the ruling bishop. Only if there is a blessing from the bishop in writing for the commission of such a burial, can the priest bury the suicide. If the priest independently makes such a decision, without the participation of the lord, he is liable to punishment up to a ban on priesthood, or deprivation of dignity.

Church canons forbid “offering and prayer” for suicides (Rule of St. Timothy of Alexandria, answer 14), as they consciously rejected themselves from communion with God

who “will raise up his hands or bring himself down from above”: “An offering is not proper for such a thing, for there is a suicide”

The validity of this rule is confirmed by the spiritual experience of ascetics, who, daring to pray for suicides, experienced insurmountable severity and demonic temptations.

The indicated rule of St. Timothy of Alexandria was directed against the fallen members of the Church. However, at present, most of those who commit suicide are baptized people, but who have not received either church education or church feeding. They interrupt their lives not as a result of a conscious confrontation with God and the Church, but as being “outside the mind”, although this is not recorded by medical evidence. It is impossible for a priest who did not know the deceased in his life to decide how to relate to such a death, and relatives and close suicides, upon meeting the priest’s refusal to perform the funeral service, depart even further from the Church without receiving comfort.

In this regard, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church blesses, for the purpose of spiritual nourishment of the flock and the uniformity of pastoral practice, invites, without performing the burial service of suicides and the “offering” of them, that is, commemoration in the church, to teach the following comforting prayers to relatives and relatives of such deceased.
  But it should be noted that this order is not a memorial service, and is not performed at the tomb, or at the grave, or at the memorial table in the temple. This rite is actually a prayer for the comfort and support of the grieving suicide relatives. That is, such a prayer service will be performed specially by separate agreement with the priest and, in the presence of relatives, in the church.

In addition to performing the proposed rite, relatives and friends can take over, with the blessing of a priest, private reading of the prayer of the Monk Elder Leo of Optina:

Seek, Lord, the lost soul of Your servant (name): if it is possible to eat, have mercy. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not give me this prayer in my sin, but Thy holy will be done.

Most of all, such dead people are helped by giving alms for them and by the pious life of their near and dear ones.

The rite of prayer of comfort to relatives of his beloved self-willed deceased

approved by the decision of the Holy Synod of Russia
  Orthodox Church of July 27, 2011

Blessed be our God:

Trisagion of Our Father:

Hallelujah, voice 6. Verse 1:  Lord, do not expose Thy fury to Me, / Thou shalt punish Me less with Thy wrath. Verse 2: Have mercy on me, Lord, / as I am weak.

Troparii:  Have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us:

Glory:Lord have mercy on us:

And now:  Charity door:

Psalm 50th.

And abie antiphon, voice 3:

Verse:  Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, / as it is with many fulfilling humiliations (Psalm 122: 3).

Heavenly Father, / Lovingly, Humane, / Gracious, merciful, gracious, be merciful to us, / oh, all the Encompassing / and all Accepting! (Kontakion of St. Roman the Sweet singer in Vel. Fourth.).

Verse:  A speech is insane in its heart: to be God (Psalm 52: 1).

Heavenly Father, / Lovingly, Humane, / Gracious, merciful, gracious, be merciful to us, / oh, all the Encompassing / and all Accepting!


Yeghda, Judge, sit down as I am well-behaved, and show your terrible Glory, Savior: oh, what a fear then, of a cave burning, to all who fear the unbearable of your judges! (Vel. Pok. Canon. Th., P. 8, tr. 4).

And now:

Not imams of other help, / not imams of other hopes, / unless You, the Lady, / Help us, / We hope in You / and we will boast in You, / Your God’s slaves, let us not be ashamed.

Let us pray to the Lord.

Lord have mercy.

Vladyka, Lord, the Merciful and the Loving-Human, we appeal to You: We have sinned and transgressed before You, your saving commandment as a crime, and the love of the gospel to our desperate brother (our desperate sister) that we haven’t. But do not be fierce with Thy wrath, Thou shalt punish us with Thy wrath, More humane Lord, weaken, heal our heart sorrow, may the many bounties of Your sins conquer the abyss, and Thy innumerable goodness of the depths may cover our bitter tears.
  To her, Jesus the Sweetest, still pray, give thy servant, a kindred beloved beloved beloved beloved beloved one, in their grief their consolation and firm hope in thy mercy.
  As God the Merciful and the Humane God, we also glorify you with Your First Father and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Your Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.


Blessed Virgin Mary save us.

Honest Cherub:

In the name of the Lord bless, Father.

Normal (small) release.

From this article you can find out how the suicides are remembered, where they are buried, how relatives can help them in the afterlife. And also what happens to the souls of those who voluntarily die. Moreover, in recent years this has begun to happen more often.

Our life now is such that a sufficiently large number of people decide to voluntarily leave this world, without waiting for a natural end. The reasons for this are completely different, but psychologists have an opinion that in any case at this moment a person is not completely healthy from a mental point of view.

Suicide is a serious sin in almost all religions. Exceptions are some sects, also in Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism, voluntary departure from life is possible in some cases, that is, it is not considered a deadly sin. If you are wondering whether it is possible to remember the suicides, then the clergy will definitely give you a negative answer. There can be no question of anything else. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are quite rare and documented (more on this will be written below).

It should be noted that in the modern world, in some countries, the voluntary departure from life of terminally ill and those who are “turning into vegetables” is practiced. This method is called euthanasia. It is believed that this is a personal matter for everyone, “live a plant” or die. However, it should be remembered that the Lord never gives a person a burden that is beyond his power. You only need to set your priorities correctly and revise your life, decide where to move. Maybe you should turn to the Lord?

And the doctors themselves, helping to accomplish euthanasia, understand that this is a banal murder. Each life is valuable to the Lord, and he himself knows when to take it. You should only rely on him in your troubles and sorrows.

Orthodox Attitude Towards Suicides

As stated above, suicide is a sin. This action amounts to breaking one of the ten commandments. After all, there is a murder, even of his own, but of the body. It also indicates that a person does not believe that he will be able to cope with the situation by turning to the Lord. He dares to decide his own fate, completely not trying to pass the test, temper his spirit. The soul of the suicidal is doomed to wander and perish forever.

It should be noted that this sin cannot be forgiven by the church. All this implies repentance, committed this unworthy act. Besides not forgiving sin, the church does not pray for the soul of one who voluntarily left this world. Therefore, there is no traditional church commemoration for him. Also, you can not submit notes with a name for peace.

The worst thing is that it is very difficult for such souls to help in the afterlife. If relatives have a question about when they can remember the suicides, then they should know that this action is prohibited in the church. As an exception, the funeral service is subject to special permission.

What do Christian writings and canons say about suicides?

Concerning those who voluntarily take their own lives, there is a special mention in Christian canons. This happened for the first time in 385, when the Alexandrian Patriarch Timothy wrote down the fourteenth canon in the form of questions and answers. It mentioned whether it is possible to remember the suicides. According to the canon, this is possible if the person was beside himself, and this must be additionally verified.

In 452, at the next church council, it was established that suicide occurs from devilish malice, which is why it is considered a crime. And in 563, at the next meeting, it was forbidden to funeral for those who voluntarily passed away. Also, he was not buried according to church customs, did not follow his body to the grave, and later they also ceased to bury him on consecrated ground.

How is the burial of those who voluntarily passed away?

So, based on all of the above, you should know how to bury the suicides. In early times, burial took place on uninitiated land (most often by the road), now everyone is buried in a common cemetery. However, it is not customary for suicides to perform funeral services and funeral services.

In addition to this, there are other restrictions in the church tradition. So, on the grave of the suicides do not put up a cross, which is a symbol of faith. According to the church, he voluntarily passed away, refused from it. In addition, there are no other traditional things. For example, a corolla, which is a symbol of the tests sent by God (since he did not pass them), is not placed in the coffin. It is also not used to cover the body of the church bedspread, which is a symbol of patronage (which is impossible in this situation).

As we see, in the question of how the suicides are buried, the church is quite categorical and has a set of rules that it strictly follows.

Traditional remembrance of suicides in Orthodoxy

So, now we will consider the question of how to remember the suicides in Orthodoxy. As mentioned above, there is no traditional remembrance for them. It is impossible to offer church prayer for those who voluntarily passed away from life; requiem services do not serve on them. Remember that the prayer of St. mch. The Ouara ascends only for the unbaptized, but by no means for suicides.

However, there are special days - Ecumenical parental Saturdays (the day before the Holy Trinity), when all the dead are remembered. Of course, during the service, universal commemoration takes place, but even this will make suicides easier. After all, prayer is offered in a general way, everywhere for all souls who are in hell. This is what distinguishes parental Saturday. Therefore, if you have relatives among your relatives who have left their lives voluntarily, then on this day you need to pray with special zeal.

However, a relative of suicide should remember that such an act cannot be hidden. There were times when a request to pray for the repose of such a soul did not bring the desired effect. The Lord did not accept prayer. It was a sign that perhaps a person had died of his own free will.

Radonitsa - a special Orthodox holiday

Now let's take a closer look at what Radonitsa is. It falls on Tuesday of the second week after Easter. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what date Radonitsa, since this day will depend on when the Sunday will be. This day is also called parental. Naturally, it is different from what happens before the Great Trinity.

If we turn to the distant past, then this holiday dates back to pagan times. Only then it was called Navim day, Graves, Trizny. On this day, it was customary to rejoice in the fact that the souls of the dead gained a rebirth. According to ancient beliefs, it is believed that on this day the border between the world of the living and the dead is thinning. And that person who voluntarily passed away may be closer than you think. Therefore, when suicides are mentioned on Radonitsa, they do it very carefully, always after the blessing of the priest. However, the benefits of this action are undeniable. Although, of course, if you want to help your relative, who died in this way, you should perform a number of aggregate actions, which are described above.

It should also be noted that on this day is the commemoration of those who drowned and died unbaptized. So, now you know how much Radonitsa, on what day after Easter it falls.

Special Occasions in Remembrance

It should be noted that there are special exceptions when you can remember the suicides in the church. Priests may bury some of them. However, for this you should know for sure that a person committed this sin when he could not control himself because of mental ill health or severe insanity due to any events. Of course, all this must be confirmed by appropriate medical documents.

Before performing the funeral service, you should receive the blessing of the bishop, who is ruling at that time. He must give it in writing, and only after that do this action. If the decision was made independently without a higher permission, and the clergyman deviated from the rule when it is possible to remember the suicides, then he is punished. He may be prohibited from performing his duties for some time or even be deprived of his dignity.

How relatives can alleviate the fate of those who voluntarily passed away

If it happened in a family that someone from the family died of their own free will, then relatives should know how they remember the suicides. Of course, there can be no talk of any church commemoration, since this is prohibited. But relatives themselves can perform comforting prayers for them. They can be carried out in the days of remembrance. The clergy separately read this prayer service in the church in the presence of grieving relatives.

However, it should be remembered that it is not a memorial service. It can not be done near the coffin and funeral table. This is done only for relatives in comfort. It was specifically approved for such cases only in 2011, since the number of people who have deprived themselves of life is growing inexorably every year.

In addition to the above-described rank, there are also other rules on how to remember the suicide. So, there is a special private reading of the prayer of St. Elder Leo of Optina. Of course, before its implementation it is necessary to receive the blessing of the priest. But the most effective method that can help the dead of their own free will in the afterlife is alms and pious life of all relatives.

You can still make independent prayers both at home and in the temple. You can put candles in the temple for the repose of his soul, ask the Lord for mercy.

It is also advisable not to arrange universally accepted suicide commemoration on the third, ninth, fortieth day and a year from the date of death. This should not be done because the deceased on these special days goes through certain ordeals. Therefore, in order to facilitate his actions, one should pray more earnestly these days (rather than drink alcoholic beverages). However, those who arbitrarily passed away according to church canons immediately go to hell. Therefore, traditional commemoration does not make sense and can even harm the living. That is why you should refrain from them.

Controversial Suicides

When can I remember the suicides in the church? Throughout the history of Christianity, there have been quite controversial cases of voluntary withdrawal from life. For example, the martyr Domnina and her daughter. In order to protect their honor from reproach, not to defile their purity, they threw themselves into the sea and drowned. If you look at this case from a different angle, they committed suicide. However, in the name of what did they accept voluntary death? And this, of course, was not a decision that was pondered in advance.

And there are many such examples in the life of Christian martyrs. Many accepted death in the name of the Lord. Of course, the question may be asked whether this is correct? But there is no right answer. The Church does not classify as suicides those who have lost their lives in the name of her or God, as well as to save a large group of people. All this is considered self-sacrifice. However, where is the truth really? One cannot judge everything by human standards, for only the Lord knows the truth.

Black magic and the graves of suicides

Separately, it should be said about the graves of suicides. They are in special demand for black rituals, which are carried out by those who decided to connect their lives with witchcraft. Why are they so liked unclean? The fact is that, as mentioned above, the bodies of suicides do not funeral, the graves often do not have crosses, which creates fertile ground for the creation of various ritual objects. For many conspiracies, land taken from such a grave is used.

It is no coincidence that those who died voluntarily, at their own request, were not buried before in a common cemetery. And there wasn’t even a question about whether the suicides were remembered, since this was usually not done. It was such an unclean grave that attracted before (and now too) those who serve the Devil.


So our article came to the end, which talked about whether it is possible to remember the suicides. Of course, this is a terrible tragedy when a person for some reason cannot bear the burden of his worries and find a way out of this situation. Thus, the suicide refuses the intercession of the Lord, does not go his life's path to the end, no matter how difficult it may be. Of course, it is difficult, sometimes it seems that there is no way out, but this is not so. An appeal to God, pure and sincere prayer will help to find peace and calm the soul. Before you take a rash step and leave your life voluntarily, remember the Almighty, how he loves you. Do not forget that there will be no turning back, and your relatives will have to go through the suffering that you will doom to them with your own hands. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Be strong!

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