How to register a house on a plot for individual housing construction: step-by-step instructions

In order to take part in the procedure for registering a private house, you must familiarize yourself with the provisions of Federal Law 122 of 1997. An additional document used in the practice of registering real estate in ownership is the Law on Dacha Amnesty. According to the normative act, the procedure for registering individual construction objects has become simplified and no longer causes prostration among citizens.

Which of the buildings are considered private objects by the legislator?

Individual housing construction (IHS) is understood as a form of construction of houses within the framework of private law in order to provide a place of residence for one family.

In a number of regulatory documents, the following clarification can be found: a detached building with its own infrastructure, in which there are no more than 3 floors. The end result of construction on private land is the registration of objects built on them into private ownership.

Construction has not started yet

Citizens who own land plots are endowed with certain rights, in particular, they can dispose of their property at their own discretion. True, in their decisions, the actual owners may be limited in connection with the categorization of lands established by the legislator.

Therefore, it is best to clarify information about the possibility of private construction on the acquired land in advance.
Before starting work, you will need to obtain an appropriate permit. Without the approval of the authorities, the project may be declared illegal and require the demolition of the building. The situation is not pleasant, but you need to do this:

  • Correct the plan of the house so that its number of storeys does not exceed 3 floors, and the total height, taking into account the attic, is 12 meters;
  • When planning a house, it is necessary to take into account the limitation on the maximum building area - 1500 meters;
  • After carrying out a technical examination and drawing up an estimate for consumables (most often the plan is ordered from specialized companies or from the developer himself), the applicant's package for IZHS is sent to the Town Planning Committee. The department agrees on the general scheme of the house and its location in relation to other objects on the ground. Such a plan can be done by hand.

When construction is considered complete

After the building owner accepts the house from the contractor, the house must be put into operation. This process is formalized standard act, except for those cases when the owners of land plots and cottages erected on them wish to use them only in the summer.
To put a residential building into operation, you must fill out a declaration. The document reflects information on the construction object:

  1. House size;
  2. Materials used for the construction of walls and supporting structures;
  3. Information about the availability of a connection to the existing public mains.

After drawing up the declaration, the potential owner of the building applies for a cadastral and technical passport. The relevant services, the bureau of technical inventory and the cadastral, issue official documents of the established form. The presence of these documents confirms the completion of the construction.

What you need to register a building on a plot of land

To obtain a certificate of registration, the owner of the building collects a package of necessary documents. The exact composition of annexes to the application depends on the type of house, but for individual construction, it is as follows:

  • Written application;
  • Applicant's identity card - passport;
  • Land documents;
  • Technical passport, obtained earlier in the bureau of technical inventory. When submitting documents, it is necessary to take into account the period for issuing a certificate - 14 days;
  • Cadastral passport. You will need two documents - one for the house, the second for the site;
  • To submit documents for registration, you will need a decision of the relevant state body to put the building into operation and to assign a postal address to the house;
  • A receipt confirming the payment of the state fee for registration actions.
  • To complete the registration actions, the applicant applies to the Unified Territorial Register of Real Estate. To register the house itself, the owner can apply personally to the Rosreestr division, through the multifunctional center, through the public services portal or through the USRN service. Online submission of the application will reduce the time spent on visiting the services, and will also help speed up the process of checking documents.

To obtain an extract from the USRN, the applicant indicates in the appeal the method of delivery:

  1. On hand when visiting the center in person;
  2. By mail;
  3. By email.

How a house is registered under the dacha amnesty

According to Federal Law 93 of 2006, owners of land plots who registered them in ownership before November 1, 2001, have the opportunity register buildings according to a simplified scheme. This right is reserved for the owners of plots planned for individual housing construction until the end of 2019, subject to the privatization of plots.
The average time for registration of suburban areas in ownership is 1 month. After that, you can prepare a package of documents for entering the existing building into the unified register of real estate. What should be prepared:

  1. A technical passport, if it is not there, must be ordered, taking into account the timing of its production;
  2. Cadastral passport;
  3. Receipt for payment of the duty;
  4. Draw up a statement.

After checking the documents submitted to the Unified State Register, the applicant is issued an extract from the USRN.

What if the house was built without the approval of the authorities

In practice, there are often cases when land owners create problems for themselves. Not wanting to participate in the bureaucratic procedure and pay not so much money, the owners decide to build a house without permission.

Of course, no one will care for a certain time until the building, but until the first case. Land disputes with neighbors, cadastral inventory or foreclosure on property, will reveal cases of unauthorized construction.
For such cases, it is necessary to refer to the norms of the Town Planning Code. The main differences from the standard procedure for registering home ownership are the complication and rise in the cost of registration. You can choose several options based on the chosen strategy:

  • Since it is almost impossible to determine the moment of its construction in relation to a house, you can try to obtain permission based on the fact that the structure does not yet exist. After the construction process is agreed, it will be possible to collect the rest of the documents;
  • It is possible to legalize an already existing structure through a court of law. This option is usually chosen out of despair, when the fact of having a house without permission has already been proven by the relevant departments.
  • The initiator of an unauthorized construction can apply personally to a special commission on illegal construction. Together with the appeal, the owner of the site can submit an application for the preservation of the structure.

Anyone who is faced with issues of individual construction needs to understand that the process is closely associated with a number of bureaucratic procedures. Control by the state aims not only to protect nature and its wealth, but also to forestall cases of unauthorized seizure of lands in the protected area. It is important to understand that supervisory authorities (forestry), neighbors or persons with plans for this area can notify the relevant services about unauthorized construction. It is pointless to hope that the house will stand without registration for a long time. After discovery, the minimum sanctions against the owner of the site will be fines and additional fees for registration actions.

If, as a result of the debate with the authorities, the house is not legalized, it will have to be demolished.

How much does it cost to register ownership of a house on a site

For the issuance of any official document or its duplicate, a government service fee is charged. You can save on this process by using the functionality of the All-Russian portal, saving up to 30 percent of the cost. The expenses that will fall on the shoulders of the owner will include the payment for registration of a technical passport and a fee for issuing an extract from the unified state register. The cost of public services can change from year to year.

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