Why dream of Getting a New Job?

Dream interpretation to get a new job

If you had to get a job in a dream, it means that in reality you may not be satisfied with your financial situation. You think all the time that your financial condition could be stronger and more reliable, so your subconscious mind gives a signal that you need to earn money for additional expenses.

The search for a new job in a dream can symbolize the search for your purpose in life. If life has become routine, for which the current place of service is the reason, then at least a dream in which I had to look for a new job will bring some consolation to the psyche. Perhaps you are doing something completely different from what your natural ability is.

Also, such a dream may mean that you have to defend your opinion in public. Your self-confidence, ability to find common language with many people at once will help you to look presentable and convincing. After the performance, many will feel genuine sympathy for you, the ancient dream book promises.

The path to a new duty station

If you are looking for a new job

Quite a rare occurrence, a complete dream of a plot, in which I had to search, find, and then get a job at a new duty station. As a rule, during one vision one has to see only one of the stages, which has its own symbolic meaning.

Active search

If you dream that you have to ask friends and acquaintances if there is a suitable job for you, this means that you need to solve a long-standing problem that you could not approach. Now there was no time, then there was no desire, but at the moment, she became so acute that it is no longer possible to postpone her decision.

  • To be very worried and in a hurry, to feel constant nervous excitement are difficulties that have been accumulating for a long time due to your laziness, says the newest dream book.
  • Calling and asking about a vacancy - you will have to use the innate talent of persuasion.
  • If you dream of searching around the city - to tear down ads, go to organizations - you will have to prove your abilities and skills, the family dream book explains.
  • I dreamed that you were looking at a newspaper with open vacancies - you need to change your occupation or resume a long-forgotten hobby. This will help in moral self-realization.

Negotiate a new duty station

If you dream that a new job has already been found, and you go only to clarify the schedule, then you are worried about a new serious task. It will completely change your life - maybe in a professional, and maybe in a personal sphere. Until the interpretation gives an exact answer to what these changes will lead to, the dream simply states their fact.

  • You are dreaming of looking for your workplace at an enterprise - a meeting at which all claims against your person will be removed, says the dream book of the 21st century.
  • I dreamed of a signed application for employment - drawing up an unfavorable contract. You trust too much of the people who offered it to you, and you can sign without looking, but you should not do this.
  • Negotiations with a recruiter or immediate boss - even a carefully planned life can fall apart from the difficultly predictable emotions of your half, the esoteric dream book complains.

What Miller's dream book says about work

If you find a job as a cleaning lady

Miller's well-tested dream book suggests that the search for a new job is a dream of a change in your life. They will not necessarily relate to work. And you need to treat them as a natural course of life, without attaching special emotional significance.

  • Dreaming of total employment, performing official duties with all responsibility and accuracy - you will quickly achieve success, thanks to your own inclinations and innate virtues (hard work, perseverance and politeness).
  • - an unexpected change in the situation will help solve a difficult problem.
  • Transferring your responsibilities to someone else is an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, trouble. You won't get the boost you were hoping for.
  • If you dream that you are looking for a job - benefit from an unforeseen business.
  • For a woman, a dream in which she is hired as a cleaner or housewife means hard physical work. What she was striving for will not be available to her.

Psychoemotional meaning

The dream in which you are looking for a new job may mean that you are not yet completely sure that you are doing everything right. Perhaps you think that you are doing something that you absolutely do not like. And you are afraid to change the place only because of the financial gain.

After all, you know exactly what dissatisfaction with the results of your own activity will lead to, and if you dream like this, you should think about it, maybe your purpose is really different.

Such a dream can also arise from the burden of an unresolved problem that you do not want to tackle in any way. You don't even want to start this business, but no matter what, it will bring you both profit and satisfaction. But what the complete rejection of this occupation will lead to is still unknown.

Do not think that such visions arise in connection with a real job change. Such a dream will not lead to anything bad either.

Material discomfort can also cause such visions. If the money problem is so urgent that it does not let you go even at night, then for a greater financial flow, you need to get together and be as calm as possible - then you can achieve the desired increase or contract with profitable clients.

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