What if the husband is selfish?

Many women in family life are faced with one or another negative character trait of their chosen one. Husband's selfishness is the most common problem in family relationships.

How to recognize an egoist?

If the topic is popular among men: "All women are fools", then among women there is a bike that: "All men are egoists." Often, over a cup of coffee, representatives of the female half of humanity discuss the topical question: "How to recognize an egoist?" The answer is pretty simple, though. We need to take a closer look at the little things in everyday life. For example, a selfish person might calmly eat the last piece of a pie, candy, or brownie without even asking if you want to. Or he can calmly make tea for himself, make breakfast, but he won't even offer you.

How to live with an egoist?

Love is not chosen, and if you suddenly find that you are an egoist next to you, you should not panic. Of course, the question immediately arises: "How to live with an egoist?" But upon careful consideration, several options emerge.

Intimate talk

In the evening, after a hearty and enjoyable dinner, try to involve your husband in a conversation about his selfishness. Tell honestly what does not suit you in his behavior, using specific examples, explain where he makes mistakes. Try to convey that his selfishness offends you and is unpleasant to you. Express your thoughts and emotions out loud, because a man cannot read minds.

Love yourself

Start paying more attention to yourself, believe in the importance and individuality of your person. Take the money to buy another pair of earrings, a new scarf, or a fancy dress. Remember, no one will love you more than yourself. Be the most fashionable, well-groomed and well-read. And to the husband's reproach, why dinner has not been prepared, show beautiful underwear and say that you spent the last money, as you tried for him. Do not be tormented by remorse over the fact that you went to the theater, and did not begin to prepare another salad for your loved one.


Re-education is a difficult and time-consuming process, especially for an egoist. But if you decide to set foot on this path, then do not turn off and go to the intended goal. Ignore his demands, flattery, attempts at pressure, etc. Show that you have personal affairs that are more important than his far-fetched problems. Involve your man in solving small and large household tasks. Praise your help more and say you can't do it without it. Let him feel his indispensability in certain matters of housekeeping. Perhaps the advice from the article will help you to improve relationships:

Is it worth living with an egoist?

Is it worth living with an egoist and indulging his needs? Only the woman who faced a similar dilemma can answer this question. Of course, love can create wonderful transformations, and you can probably close your eyes to this lack of a beloved man. Tips on how to live with an egoist will help you accept the selfishness of your husband or boyfriend, and possibly turn this minus into a plus.

Remember, ideal people do not exist, but everyone can accept a partner with all the advantages and disadvantages.

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