What if you fell in love with a married man?

Every person in life is looking for personal happiness and love. But what if the center of your life is a man with a ring and? This is to some extent a diagnosis, because it is difficult to imagine a more complex and painful relationship. But whatever one may say, life is such that you do not know where you will find your happiness and what it will be. Since it so happened that your love lies in a married man, then it is worth understanding yourself and your goals. Until this novel is completely absorbed into the abyss.

Fell in love with a married friend

Here, it would seem, you are 100-year-old friends, he has a family. You visit them more often than at home. And one fine day the realization comes to you that you have lost not only a friend. And they lost the love of their life when he got married. The world has ceased to exist, as you have to share it with another woman, although before he devoted all his time only to you. He is your friend, but not property. The famous phrase - there can be no friendship between a man and a woman, fully justifies this situation.

What if you don't want to lose him completely as a friend? It is better to lose than torment yourself all your life, being in a similar situation. Even if it hurts now, it’s difficult and difficult, but it’s better to let him go now. And let me build my life with another woman. And you, what to do if you fall in love with a married man- friend? Live on and remember that it is better to say about your feelings in a timely manner and be rejected (or not, which is better). Than biting your elbows, seeing someone else's happiness. Moreover, as they say, happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune, and everything, according to the law of a boomerang, returns. Fate cannot be fooled.

All people spend most of their lives at work, this is the law of survival. Where else if not at work can you have a relationship? Of course, here they are men, free and not very, married and divorced. But it’s not interesting to fall in love with a free guy from the next department, or it’s a brutal boss. How he knows how to manage, how handsome and handsome. Yes, all the girls just go crazy with him. And if he invites to his office to discuss something, then everyone is happy. And it does not matter whether they are reprimanded or praised. But everyone thinks that she is the best, special, very-very.

And oh yes, you also fell in love with him. But he does not know about it, and he attributes the red blush on his cheeks to the heat in the office. Let him be married, but what to do if you fall in love with a married man- the chief? And what can you do about the outbreak of feelings? Better to forget, to throw the silly fantasy out of my head. The best thing is to go to the next office to that guy and invite him to meet. Than to waste your precious time on the boss, for whom everything worked out in life. And playing the role of a mistress is not the surest way. Indeed, under no circumstances will a successful person exchange his family for an outburst of feelings. Yes, it can be a vivid romance, with a storm of emotions, gorgeous evenings and rose petals. But why trample yourself and exchange for something that will not continue?

What to do if fell in love with a married man - mutual love

What is love in essence? It's chemistry. Nobody knows what it will be like when it comes. As a child, you draw into your imagination the image of your chosen one, relying on the knowledge gained from books and films. The parental model of relationships also strongly affects the further fate and future relationships of the girl. And now you meet the man of your dreams, but, unfortunately, he is married. But strong feelings overwhelm both of you, that there is no doubt about reciprocity. The question "is he in love with me" disappears. Everything is clear anyway. and you both are overwhelmed by mutual feelings?

But what next when it turns out that he has a wife with a child? Yes, and she herself is married, but there are no children. And it doesn't matter when the feelings are at stake that there is no strength to stop. It is worth assessing the degree of risk if you split two families. Think about whether this relationship will be as wonderful and mesmerizing as it is now, being married. Sometimes it is this fact of the prohibition that plays a strong role in such fervent feelings between married people. But if a decision is made, then there is no doubt that this is your person. One has only to try to maintain a respectful relationship with the soul mate. After all, your children, as adults, will adopt your own model of relationships. And who knows how their fate will turn out after the trauma inflicted in childhood in the form of separation from their parents.

Horoscope for a married man
  1. ram - nothing. Since the ram can be described as a loyal and reliable husband. So falling in love with him is to make it worse for yourself. He is able to commit treason only in the event of the destruction of the marriage.
  2. A married Taurus man is not prone to adultery, like a ram. For him, there is nothing more important than his woman and family, and joint plans for the future. It is very difficult to wait and love such a man, since he will strive to save his family to the last. Yes, and his mistresses are not interested in him, because he has his only one.
  3. Inconstancy in relationships reigns in married male twins. Therefore, if on your way there is such a man whom you risked to fall in love with, be prepared that you are not alone. Out of boredom, he is able to start an affair with all the girls he likes, despite the fact that there is a family.
  4. A cancer man can be described as a loyal family man who strives to maintain his peace of mind. He is against divorces, and in principle, cheating. So you can only love such men with platonic love, they will not reciprocate you.
  5. Probably the most walking husband is a man born under the sign of a lion. lion? If you want to become his next love victim, then you can fall in love. But do not expect that you will be the only one, because they adore beautiful women.
  6. A married Virgo man will not make casual acquaintances. A wife is enough for him. Therefore, falling in love with a virgin, remember that this is not the most suitable option.
  7. Born under the sign of Libra, men are gentle husbands and find it difficult to control their emotions. They do not like everyday routine, so they run away from home at every opportunity in search of new experiences. Falling in love with them will not be difficult. After all, they are always open to new acquaintances and meetings. - scales? Be affectionate and feminine, then a married Libra man will fall in love with you.
  8. A married scorpion man is not interested in dating on the side. He is attracted by stability. Divorces are rare for them. Therefore, if you already happened to fall in love with him, then take your relationship as a vivid romance. Doomed to part in the end.
  9. The Sagittarius man is loyal and loving, devoted to his wife. archer? Don't even try to fall in love. And if you want the same husband, then it is better to find a free archer.
  10. Capricorns are not the most faithful husbands who can lead a double life. Having fallen in love with a married Capricorn man, it is worth remembering that for the sake of his wife's hostess, they will not leave the family. Love them and enjoy the fact that they love you. But do not expect that he will give up everything and will only be with you.
  11. A married man of Aquarius is distinguished by a windy nature. They quickly fall in love, get married, and then, being married, fall in love again. Falling under their spell is not difficult, but falling out of love is already a problem. And how many of you will be in love with him, only he knows. Divorcing your wife is easy, and it can marry you. But won't you have the same fate as your wife?
  12. A man is a fish for a long time looking for his chosen one, to strive for the ideal. In his wife he values ​​emotional support. And if she is not there, then she can choose you. If you have the quality he needs. If you fall in love with a married fish man, remember that he always comes home. What will the romance with him lead to, yes, probably, to nothing or to loneliness.
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