Making a home ownership - how to register a house on a plot

How much does it cost to decorate a country house on a land plot? How to register a private house in ownership? Where to order services for decorating a house in SNT ownership?

Good afternoon, dear readers of the HeatherBober magazine. With you Valery Chemakin - a legal consultant.

You have decided to build a country cottage or summer cottage on your land plot, but you don’t know where to start and how to register your home? No problem. If you familiarize yourself with the rules for registering ownership of a country house in advance, then everything will go smoothly.

After reading the material to the end, you will have a good understanding of how this is done. At the end of the article, I will give an overview of 3 companies that provide services for the registration of a country house in ownership.

1. Why register a house and when is it necessary?

If you have a land plot, and you decide to build any structure on it, then do not rush to do it. First, familiarize yourself with the legal side of this issue.

The fact is that a lot depends on the category of land on which you are going to build. If it is a garden plot, then a building permit is not required to erect an object on it. Making a house on a garden plot into ownership is also not necessary, although it is desirable.

When constructing real estate on a land plot intended for individual construction, you will first need to obtain permission for this from the local authorities. It is the responsibility of the developer to register the newly built residential building in ownership.

Legally, a building does not exist if it is not included in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). Therefore, you cannot sell, exchange, donate, or leave such a house to your children. Rosreestr is the state body that administers the USRN. This is where you should contact for.


One of my acquaintances "inherited" a house in the village. His deceased grandfather lived there his entire adult life, but he never took ownership of the site and buildings. The house was not very big, and even old.

Nevertheless, there were people who wanted to buy it. However, an acquaintance could not conclude a purchase and sale deal with them, since he did not have any documents for the building.

As a result, I had to start everything from scratch: look for witnesses, raise house books, archival data. Only this made it possible to legalize the site and the house. As a result, the proceeds from the sale were barely enough to cover the costs.

I will add that it is also necessary to re-register the property when building an extension to a private house and in the event of its reconstruction. In addition, not only new houses are subject to registration, but also purchased old real estate.

2. How much does it cost to take ownership of a house?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally. The fact is that the cost of registering a new home in ownership depends on many factors. This is not only a state duty, but also related costs for various legally significant actions.

Factors affecting the registration of a newly built house in ownership:

  • category of the land plot;
  • the presence or absence of the need for work on the part of the BTI;
  • whether or not the land plot is properly formalized.

Now I will explain in more detail how these factors affect the cost. Since during the construction of a summer house on the territory of a gardening society, measurements are not required, a technical passport, a cadastral plan for a building is not needed, then there is no need to spend money on BTI services. The state duty for registration of a country house in ownership is much less than for the registration of a full-fledged housing.

If before the start of construction it was not carried out (read about the procedure for this procedure in our separate article), then you will have to spend money on this as well. Calling cadastral engineers to carry out land surveying will be quite expensive.

3. How to register a house in ownership - 5 easy steps

The procedure for registering a house in ownership depends on its type. It is much easier to register a dacha than a full-fledged country house. Next, we will analyze the various cases in more detail and step by step.

The information will be especially relevant for those who wish to independently deal with the registration of a house in ownership, for example, through the Multifunctional Center (MFC), whose specialists help to carry out any.

Step 1. Collecting documents

Today, many people prefer to build residential houses for year-round living in summer cottages, not only because it is cheap, but also because it is much easier to register such a house in ownership.

Much less paperwork will be required, and no coordination with the authorities in the municipality is required. This is especially true of those who formalize the ownership of a house under a dacha amnesty.

Documents for registering a summer residence:

  • passport;
  • receipt or check for payment of state duty;
  • documents for the site;
  • a special declaration for the simplified registration of a country house in ownership.

Requesting other documents during and registration actions is possible only if there is any doubt about the legal purity of the house from the registrar.

Documents for registration of a residential building in ownership:

  • sales contract or other document confirming the transfer of ownership to you;
  • building permit;
  • technical passport for the house;
  • cadastral passport for the site and all buildings;
  • own passport;
  • available administrative documents of local self-government bodies for the lease of a land plot;
  • documents confirming the ownership of land;
  • check or receipt for payment of state duty.

Please note that if your land plot was not registered with Rosreestr before the construction of the house, then it will be registered together with the house. In this case, documents will need to be collected for him. If the object was purchased, then you will also need a previously issued certificate of ownership of the house of the former owner.

Step 2. Contact the state registration service at the place of residence

After you collect all the documents, you need to go to Rosreestr or the MFC. These are exactly the institutions in which, according to the law, you can submit documents for registration of real estate.

Which one to give preference to, you choose. However, I will say that contacts with the MFC are more comfortable, since all conditions have been created in these centers for high-quality provision of public services.

Please note that in some cases it is necessary to contact a notary before visiting these institutions:

  • when registering the ownership of a house inherited by inheritance;
  • if you are registering a house that was previously in shared ownership.

In these cases, it is necessary to attach to the package of documents an agreement certified by a notary, or a certificate of inheritance.

Step 3. We pay the state fee

Paying the state fee is a simple matter. We deposit the required amount at the cash desk of any bank using the available details or on our own in self-service terminals.

By the way, there is always such a terminal in the MFC premises, and an employee will help everyone who does not know how to handle this technique. We attach a copy of the receipt or check to the package of documents, not the original.

Step 4. We receive a receipt for the acceptance of documents

Whichever body you did not apply to, after receiving and checking the entire package of documents, a receipt will be issued indicating the date of receipt of the result. In addition, you will find the application number in it. It is needed to check the current status of the execution of your request on the Rosreestr or MFC website.

I will answer right away that the timing of registration of a house in ownership depends on where you submitted the documents. At the MFC you will have to wait 2 days longer. The terms also depend on the method of concluding the purchase and sale agreement. If you did it at a notary, then after submitting the documents to Rosreestr, you will receive the result in 3 days. In general, this will take 7 days, and in the MFC - 9 days.

Step 5. Obtaining a certificate of registration

The new law, which came into force in January 2017, completely abolished the title deeds. Now they are really not needed. The fact is that all real estate is registered in the USRN. Anyone who wants to get information from this registry. Therefore, the need for multi-colored, expensive for the budget pieces of paper has completely disappeared.

Today, this is a change in information about the owner in the USRN or the introduction of information about a new object in the case of registration of a newly built or unfinished house in the ownership. Therefore, you will be given only an extract from the USRN with your last name.

4. Assistance in registering a house in ownership - an overview of the TOP-3 companies for the provision of services

If you fundamentally do not want to go to government agencies, collect documents, tinker with land surveying and cadastral registration, use the help of commercial organizations.

Today it is not so difficult to find a company that provides such services. The only thing that is required is to write a power of attorney for the registration of the house in the ownership of a notary for a representative of such an organization. Here is an overview of 3 companies that, in my opinion, have good experience in such matters.

1) Jurist

Suppose that you are ready to independently submit documents to Rosreestr, but do not know how to do this and what documents are needed in your particular case. I recommend that you contact Pravoved. This firm provides legal consulting services via the Internet and even by telephone.

You don't even need to go anywhere. It is enough to visit the site of the same name, write down your problem with details in the feedback form and wait for an answer. If you pay a small amount, about 700 - 800 rubles, then you will be provided with a detailed answer with step-by-step instructions. General information is given free of charge.

This will help you to independently perform all the necessary actions without spending money on services. Read about this in our feature article.

The resource specialists are aware of all changes in the rules for registering a house in ownership, therefore they will give you the most relevant information. If necessary, through the same form, you can hire a lawyer to collect documents and other actions in your city.

2) Vita-House

This company deals with legal issues in the field of private housing construction. It employs not only lawyers, but also specialists in the field of cadastre, geodesy, cartography. All of them in the complex are ready to provide services for decorating a house and a land plot in the ownership of a client.

The cost of services for the preparation of all documentation is 33,500 rubles. If we add to this the registration of ownership, then the amount will increase to 40,350 rubles. Agree, this is not so much, especially in the absence of documents for the site and the house.

Company Services:

Name of serviceDescription of the service
1 Registration of a house in ownership, including through a courtCollecting documents and sending them to Rosreestr, filing a claim and representing in court
2 Registration of ownership of a house in a village or a summer residence in a garden societyCollection of documents for the procedure under the dacha amnesty
3 Formation of a technical plan for residential or non-residential premisesDeparture of engineers on site, taking measurements, creating a plan in paper and electronic form
4 Geodetic reference to the land plot of buildings and structures located on itGeodetic survey of the terrain, determination of boundaries, binding the house to coordinates on the ground
5 Drawing up an inspection report in the event of the disappearance of an objectThe document is required to remove real estate from the register in the event of its physical destruction as a result of fire, natural disasters or demolition

In addition, the company's specialists will help to legalize construction projects under the dacha amnesty, which is valid until March 1, 2018, and will provide services for. Read about it in our special article.

3) Moszemkom

The cost of decorating a house in this company starts from 20 thousand rudders, which is much lower than that of competitors. At the same time, the range of services is quite wide. When you contact you, you will receive an initial consultation with an expert in the field of housing law, with whom you will discuss all the nuances. He will also announce to you the final cost of the service.

After that, you can conclude an agreement and prepare a notarized power of attorney for one of the company's lawyers. Specialists will carry out all the necessary work - both legal and purely technical. The result of the provision of the service will be your receipt of an extract from the USRN, in which you will find your surname in the column "owner".

Here I propose to watch a video about a real case of decorating a house from the words of an ordinary person.

5. How to speed up the registration of a private house in ownership - 3 useful tips

The current legislation has already established very short terms for registering real estate objects. However, in order not to delay this matter yourself, you need to follow some rules. First, decide if you are eligible for some kind of leniency.

Today, for some categories of citizens, there are programs according to which houses are registered as property on preferential terms. To inquire about them, contact the property department in your municipal structures. The specialists dealing with this issue will help you to prepare all the documents quickly and without any problems.

Tip 1. Use the services of intermediary companies

Your contact with a company that provides intermediary services for the registration of property will significantly speed up the process of collecting documents.

Having rich experience in this matter, specialists will carry out the entire procedure much faster than you yourself. Contacting a law firm guarantees that you will not be denied registration, since all documents will be checked, and in case of inconsistency, corrected.

Tip 2: Apply for a Certificate Online

A great opportunity to save time is to apply for registration through the State Services website. To do this, you need to register on it and go through authorization in one of the certification centers. Documents received through the State Services portal are processed in Rosreestr in the first place.

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