How to become rich and happy

Millions of people dream of becoming rich. Wealth requires a lot of work on yourself. Some try to earn by honest work, combining 2-3 jobs. Hard overwork will not bring income, satisfaction. Health is constantly deteriorating. Constant lack of sleep, irritability and regular nervous overload negatively affect the general condition of a person. Other people try to find their wealth in working through the Internet. Don't be fooled by TV commercials that swear by the almighty power of the laptop. It's a delusion. How to quickly break out of the routine of average income and earn the first million, we will consider in this article.

The phrase may seem useless, but understanding it requires informed decisions. Any feelings are mutual. A good attitude towards a loved one or acquaintance will turn into a similar attitude in your direction. This is especially true for close and dear people. Good relations, friendly atmosphere - the key to a good mood and spiritual balance. And where love reigns, there will always be prosperity. Kind words and deeds will certainly return like a double boomerang.

make up your mind

Before the poor became rich, they made the decision to change their lives and succeed. First you need to set a goal, act according to the plan. What plan are you talking about? For each it is individual.

  1. Target. Decide how much money you need to have to be completely happy. Some dream of very small amounts.
  2. Change your lifestyle. Do not complain, do not share problems with other people. They have their own concerns and they are not interested in yours. Better - make more necessary acquaintances, and stay away from "friends" that bring only trouble.
  3. A sound financial plan is needed. Many magazines feature articles about the rich who have become rich and successful with the right financial strategy. Use only earned money, debt will not lead to prosperity. Financial monitoring should be daily. Do not rely only on memory - get a special notebook or folder in your smartphone or computer. Write down your current income and expenses. Financial awareness and cost control never got in the way of anyone.
  4. Patience, again patience. Achieving wealth and financial well-being is a difficult task. It must be remembered that it will not be possible to achieve everything at once.

Passive income

The most stable way to become happy and wealthy is to earn passive income. What it is? Let's consider in more detail. Creating such a source of income can help you to receive money in the future without additional efforts. Passive income can bring:

  • investment in real estate;
  • investments in shares of large companies;
  • bank deposits at high interest;
  • Forex currency market;
  • own business.

Let's consider the options in more detail.

The advantage of this option of investing money is the ability to rent out premises. Knowing that the location of any property plays an almost paramount role in obtaining a regular income will help to invest money profitably. Availability of transport, environmental conditions, developed infrastructure, dynamics of supply and demand are the determining factors in the future cost of housing or the amount of rent. Why is it so important? Because market prices change at a rapid pace, and besides, don't forget about changing circumstances. If you have to sell your property, you need to take care in advance about the future attractiveness of the property you are purchasing. Even a small apartment in a prestigious area can always be sold at a very favorable price. Of course, there are downsides to this type of investment, but they are minimal compared to the upsides.

Buying shares of prestigious and growing companies is an ideal investment of money. Indeed, in this case, you can receive two types of income at once:

  1. Dividends.
  2. Speculative income.

Dividends are profits distributed among the full shareholders. Simply put, the more shares you have, the more you will end up with. But, income also depends on the type of shares. Preferred shareholders almost always receive income on time and in volume, unlike ordinary shareholders. Often the company does not distribute the earned funds among "mere mortals", but tries to invest them in a new or existing project. But do not despair: you can always get speculative income, i.e. resell your shares for a higher price than you bought them. You just need to catch the moment and not stay “naked” at all. It is necessary to monitor the activities of the company, in particular, its rating in the stock markets. In the event of a collapse in the value of shares, their value will be impossible to recover.

The easiest way to earn money is to create a deposit bank account for a certain period and receive interest. The procedure is quite simple:

  • choose a deposit;
  • give away your money;
  • you receive income.

External simplicity in the field of bank deposits hides a number of nuances that are worth voicing. Interest on a deposit in one bank can be very different from a similar deposit in another. Before choosing a financial institution, you need to make your own rating. Examine the offers, compare the terms of deposits and the amount of interest, and then decide where to invest your hard-earned money. But simplicity does not help to become the richest. According to recent statistics on inflation, the interest on deposits does not exceed the inflation rate, but only compensates for it. At the very least, you will be able to keep your capital in the original purchase value.

The Forex currency market is a huge trading platform, open not only for professionals, but also for beginners. Trading is conducted around the clock, without breaks and days off. Many traders successfully work on Forex and make good profits. If you decide to try yourself in this industry - act boldly. You need to register online and invest some money to start. How to buy and sell is another story. There is a wealth of information on this subject on the Internet. The only thing is that at the initial stage, an individual mentor will be attached to you, who will explain everything in detail and help you by phone or Skype. You can earn quite, but you need to make an effort, the basics of technical analysis, as well as the ability to quickly respond and make decisions.

Why do you need your own business? The question is modern and relevant. You can do business in any known way, the choice is great. Do not hesitate - the phrase "I will become rich" will come true. Many before you have already taken advantage of the opportunity to work only for themselves, without following anyone's orders. It is explainable. It is human nature to be a little lazy and feel great in this state. By running your own business, you can decide for yourself how, how much and when to put in the effort to generate income. Many famous people started small. Someone opened a small store, another found himself in the field of fashion, the third was able to realize himself from another unexpected side. Coco Chanel is a direct confirmation of this. The main thing is to find something that you will be interested in doing. And it is not necessary to have a lot of capital for this.

So, let's look at the main steps on the path to wealth.

  1. Decide for yourself why you need your own business? A lot depends on the answer to the question. If you are driven by the desire to sleep longer, to mess around, then do not be surprised that money will not find its way to you. It is necessary to work painstakingly and diligently for the benefit of your loved one.
  2. The second important question: why do you need a lot of money? Everyone strives for financial well-being, but not everyone knows how to properly manage their money. You need a specific goal or dream that you will strive for every white day. With a plan like that, everything will work out.
  3. Be more confident in your abilities and a positive result will not keep you waiting. It is important to find a middle ground between grandiose plans and the desire to live one day at a time. Getting a small profit, try to invest these funds in promoting the business. An active, purposeful person always has several ideas waiting for implementation. Try to find a way to improve your business by introducing some features that have not been used before.
  4. Improve your knowledge regularly. Learn to communicate with people, take from them those qualities that will be useful. Study economics, improve your knowledge in foreign languages. In the end, sign up for psychological courses.

We looked at just a few ways to solve the question "How to become rich." Only you can choose which one to use. Perhaps among you there are future Bill Gates or Warron Buffetts. Yes Yes! Do not laugh. Everything depends only on ourselves. Unforeseen circumstances are just an excuse for those who do not want anything and do not dream of anything. The desire to turn dreams into reality is the main quality for those who really want it.

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