Tip 1: How to Look Good at 35


Comprehensive self-care includes proper nutrition, proper hydration of the skin and hair, as well as an active lifestyle, without which it is impossible to maintain a figure. who want to look younger than 35 years old, you need to know that the fight against the first signs of old age should be daily and continuous.

Beauty begins from the inside, so a woman after 30 years has no right to forget about the drinking regimen. It is not enough to drink 2 liters of water per day, you need to do it right. You cannot drink during and immediately after a meal, the last glass must be drunk at least 15 minutes before a meal, and then refrain from water for another 2 hours. You need to drink in small portions so as not to stretch the stomach.

Those who dream of looking 10 to 35 should forget about pastries, fried and smoked foods, and overeating. It is foolish to hope that you can get all the vitamins and minerals necessary for mature skin and hair from food. With age, their assimilation is impaired. Balanced complexes and dietary supplements will come to the rescue. The diet of a woman over 35 years old must necessarily contain folic acid, iron, calcium, fiber, unsaturated Omega-3 acids and antioxidants, the most powerful of which is Astaxanthin.

To look 35 to 25, you should give up harsh scrubs and replace them with fruit acids. It is also necessary to reduce skin contact with tap water by replacing it with cosmetic milk, oil, or bottled liquid.

A woman's hair, like her skin, can tell a lot about her age. In addition to purchased shampoos and balms, homemade masks based on eggs, honey, yeast and mustard should be included in the treatment. By the way, mustard powder, due to its burning properties, prevents melanin destruction and protects against premature gray hair.

How to look under 35 without being able to go to the gym? It's very simple - use the slightest opportunity to move. Give up the elevator, do light gymnastics 2-3 times a day, walk more often and longer after work.

Naturally, if a woman wants to look 10 years younger at 35, this should be reflected in her dressing style. It is most reasonable to give preference to the classics and vintage style - they never get old. Knee-length skirts, straight trousers, feminine dresses and blouses should become constant companions of a 35-year-old woman. But imitation of teenagers can play a cruel joke - skinny jeans, short tops and combat makeup, on the contrary, will add 5-10 years.


  • Facial skin care after 35 years
  • How to look good at 30, 40 and 50: menus by age
  • Astaxanthin in people's lives

At the workplace, we spend from 8 to 12 hours of our time - almost all day. At this time, we communicate with colleagues, conduct negotiations, conclude deals, conduct seminars and make reports. And the success of business meetings largely depends on a person's appearance, on his ability not only to speak correctly, beautifully and to the point, but also to present himself.


The style is business, official. This means that costumes should be held in high esteem. Men must make sure that the tie matches the suit and shirt. Ladies do not have to wear trousers - there are elegant suits with a skirt. The classic combination of "white top - black bottom" has never let anyone down, but if you allow yourself to step back from it, wearing a light purple blouse or a pastel shirt, it will look good too. Women can also wear a dress if the neckline is not too large and the length is up to the knee or slightly higher. And definitely - tights, regardless of the time of year and place.

Shoes. The first and most important rule here is that the shoes must be clean. In the off-season, do not be lazy to bring a second shoe to work and change into beautiful light boots or shoes: it is easy for the feet and it is pleasant for people. work to put on simply graceful pumps with low heels.

Don't go overboard with accessories. You don't have to wear all the gold jewelry you have. Graceful earrings, a thin chain around the neck or a string of beads, one ring (if you are married) will be enough. But a beautiful watch will benefit the image and, and. A beautiful belt will also inspire the respect of colleagues.

Nobody canceled the rules for the office. Take a shower in the morning, wash your hair. If you have, style them nicely, especially if you are going to an important meeting or meeting. Watch your hands. Manicure is necessary not only for women, but also because many people cast their first glance at their hands. Girls shouldn't overuse makeup, leave bright red lipstick and nail polish for after-work parties. And do not stifle too much, for someone your perfume, revealing more and more new notes, can cause allergies and a runny nose.

Watch yourself and your behavior. Good posture even when typing on a computer, a polite smile, greetings to colleagues when you come to work, the ability to praise and support are also important at work... Looking good is not only about dressing, but also about being good to the people around you. Do not discuss personal issues loudly, in front of strangers, and even more so on your office phone. Don't gossip about your coworkers even with the most knowledgeable employee, and if someone needs help or a tip, help and support.

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Useful advice

Remember that at work you are in the crosshairs of dozens of eyes every day, evaluating your appearance and behavior. And if you truly consider yourself a good employee, valuable employee and business person, your appearance and demeanor will never be criticized by your superiors or colleagues.

Reaching thirty means entering a new stage of life. And at this time, they begin to worry more and more about their appearance, because right now the signs of aging that are difficult to hide are beginning to appear. A woman over 30 should look a certain way so as not to cause ridicule or regret.


Well maintained

This is the first rule that representatives over thirty must strictly follow. If earlier you could afford to skip going to the hairdresser, touch up the tips of your nails without doing a new manicure, and other laziness, now they are simply unacceptable. Get in the habit of taking more time for yourself than usual. It's time to find good craftsmen and start a long and strong relationship with them, which will become the key to your beautiful appearance. Among them, there must be a beautician with extensive experience.


Clothing speaks volumes. After thirty, you can no longer afford to wear short shorts, miniskirts, jeans with holes and other youth things. Changing your wardrobe will do you good, because it will emphasize your willingness to enter a new stage, without dwelling on the old and not trying to look younger. Give preference to classic cut, buy dresses and business suits, cardigans, jackets.

At this age, it's time to decide on your own style. You do not have to follow the fashion strictly and with your eyes closed to buy everything that is lit up on the catwalks. Try to understand what makes you more attractive, what makes you comfortable. Take these items as a basis, adding one or another wardrobe item to them to create different looks.


Express diets are a thing of the past, today you can no longer afford such abuse of the body. Therefore, you will have to try to adhere to one physical form, preferably slim and fit. To do this, you need to give up harmful products that spoil not only the figure, but also affect the skin. Stick to the rules of a healthy diet, and extra pounds along with skin problems will disappear. Also, be sure to exercise. A simple half-hour jog in the morning will help you tone and look great despite the years.

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Do not try to hide your age behind the ridiculous outfits of schoolgirls - this will only lead to ridicule from the people around you. Remember that after thirty, a woman blooms. Accept this age as the time to become a real lady.

35 is a special age when your appearance depends on you more than ever. Now you can look 30 and 40 with equal success. The resources allotted to you by nature and genes often require reinforcement in the form of quality and regular care. However, at this age, a lot is achievable, and you can look much younger than your age.

You will need

  • - cosmetologist services;
  • - fitness classes;
  • - dentist services;
  • - thoughtful wardrobe.


Get fit. If in your youth you could boast of a slim figure, remember that it is impossible to keep it forever. Yes, you can look great in your clothes, but your body is always losing quality. You yourself will not notice how even a slender figure no longer seems as elastic, how flexibility is lost, how it becomes more difficult to walk for a long time. After 30 years, a woman loses up to 10% of muscle mass every year if she does not support her body with exercise. If you are overweight, the situation gets worse. Fullness adds age no less than flabbiness. 35 years is the age when it is not too late to build a figure. It is quite possible that if you take on yourself, you will look even younger and better than 5-7 years ago.

Change your grooming to neutralize age-related changes: at 35, this is quite possible. Look carefully at your face to analyze the transformations that have happened to him over the past 7-10 years. Most often at this age, wrinkles appear around the eyes, noticeable nasolabial folds, ptosis begins in the lower jaw, pigment spots and enlarged pores appear. The usual cosmetic care is indispensable in this case. It's time to try hyaluronic acid injections, in some cases - to resort to fillers. Regular peeling courses are required 2-3 times a year. Learn to do facial gymnastics: With regular exercise, you will strengthen your facial muscles and look significantly younger.

Pay attention to your style. You should not strive to look elegant: you will still have time for this at a later age. There is no need to look younger at the expense of teenage clothes, even if your figure allows you to. Casual style, beautiful accessories, elegant shoes will help you look younger. Avoid overly banal outfits.

The condition of the hair is of great importance. If you have long and beautiful curls, do not strive to part with them. Most of the typical women's haircuts add age significantly. Better take care that your hair is shiny and vibrant, and keep it beautiful for as long as possible.

Investing in your own smile is priceless. If before that you did with standard dental care, after 30, age-related changes on the teeth become noticeable. The enamel gradually becomes thinner and darker. Timely treatment, whitening and possibly veneers will definitely make you look younger. No branded items and expensive jewelry will help if your teeth are out of order.


The age of a woman is betrayed by her eyes. Avoid stress, look for inspiration, enjoy the little things, think positively, and then your gaze will radiate youth.

Useful advice

Take as an example a celebrity who looks very young in her 35s. Analyze the details of the image that make her younger, and adopt a few tricks.

When a woman turns 35, she begins to feel not so young and fresh. However, such complexes can be corrected with some simple tricks.

Makeup Secrets To Help You Look Younger At 35

Remember that if you are over 30 years old, your previous habitual makeup should be slightly changed, as some of the tricks will work against you.

Avoid applying foundation to your skin, as it can accentuate expression lines and unevenness. Closer to forty years, the female body undergoes some changes in hormonal levels. This makes the skin drier and dehydrated. Applying the foundation will absorb moisture from it, so your face will look a little puffy and puffy. If you still can't stop using foundation, apply a moisturizer or makeup base to your skin before using it, which can create a kind of barrier between the foundation and your skin. Also, try using special moisturizing face masks a couple of times a week. You can make them yourself in. For example, mix one tablespoon of honey with the same amount of warm sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Such a mask can not only moisturize your skin, but also help you fight fine expression lines. You can also use shredded plantain leaves. Pour boiling water over them, let it brew for 10 minutes, and then wrap them in thin gauze and make compresses.

Pay attention to the blush you put on during your makeup. It is best to use products made with a cream base. This applies not only to blush, but also to eyeshadow. Dark shadows should be discarded. Choose a cosmetic tone that will be different from the color of your eyes and will emphasize them.

After 35 years, the skin of your lips becomes dry and susceptible to various influences. Use a stiff brush for lip makeup as it will give you an even finish. It is better to choose a light and natural tone of lipstick, and you must refuse to use a pencil to draw the contour.

Some features of choosing a wardrobe at 35 years old

Remember that middle-aged women who choose too bright colors for themselves run the risk of looking vulgar and silly. Give preference to light blue, beige, brown, gray or bedding. These colors will highlight your elegance and femininity.

To look at your age is irrelevant today. Without changing the number in your passport, you can look 10 or even 15 years younger. You just need to choose the right makeup and hairstyle, pay attention to your figure and make adjustments to your wardrobe.


You can visually rejuvenate your face with the right makeup. Give preference to cosmetics with a delicate shine. Foundation with reflective particles, blush with a light shimmer and satin eyeshadow will give your face a vivid and radiant appearance. Avoid matte textures that make the skin dull and dry, and accentuate wrinkles.

Don't put on too much makeup. Full makeup will make you look older. For a casual look, a tonal foundation, blush, shadows, mascara and lip gloss are enough, in the evening you can add an eyeliner and a highlighter, and replace a light gloss with lipstick.

Master modern makeup techniques. Do not line your lips with a contour pencil, do not emphasize the inner eyelid and eyebrows plucked "in a string." Use a foundation with a lifting effect - it will tighten the skin and visually relieve it for several years.

Try a lighter color palette. Use brown or gray instead of black mascara and eyeliner, replace bronze powder with light beige. Avoid brown and purple lipsticks. Translucent lip products in pinkish-beige, coral and apricot shades will help you look younger.

Get a modern haircut. Long hair hanging in dull locks will accentuate mimic wrinkles and give you an unkempt look. Semi-long hairstyles look much more impressive. Trimmed strands, soft curls, asymmetrical bangs will make you look younger and more fashionable.

When choosing a color for your hair, give preference to soft warm tones - golden, light brown, reddish, chocolate. Soft color transitions, as well as the effect of slightly burnt hair, look very impressive. Colorists recommend not to use too dark and unnatural colors, especially with purple, gray or burgundy tint.

Fashionable manicure will help to rejuvenate your hands. Instead of long pointed nails in bold colors, wear short ones. A dark range is in fashion, as well as a variety of pastel varnishes that harmonize well with skin of any shade.

Find the right wardrobe. Trousers, knee-length A-line skirts, knitted twos and straight coat dresses will help create a more youthful and dynamic look. Avoid baggy styles, as well as too rigid shapes. The color scheme should be fresher and more vibrant. Include more light-colored items in your wardrobe. Creamy, pearl gray, warm blue or coral color will cast a soft glow on the skin, making it look more beautiful and youthful. Do not be afraid to combine, combine several shades in one ensemble.

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Staying young and beautiful as long as possible is the goal of a true woman. You can eat right or get a facelift, but there are still a few areas that should be given the most attention. Because it is they who give out the real age, and without proper care they can "add" you several years.

We will not dwell on the well-known principles of a healthy lifestyle, which, of course, can significantly improve your appearance and slightly slow down aging. Everyone already knows very well about water, proper nutrition, the absence of bad habits, sports, etc.

We will consider areas that require constant close monitoring and careful care, since they are the first to lose their youth and freshness and "add" extra years to us.

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Some women are wary of reaching the age of 50, but for some, this figure brings real horror. In fact, everything is not so scary. life does not end, in addition, there are those who at this age look no worse than at 35 or, for example, at 40 years old.

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